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Они сражались за Родину

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way to go.
Too long.
Don't just sit there, Lopakhin,
give me some tobacco.
- Already smoked all yours?
- Of course not.
The other guy's tastes sweeter.
Come on, don't be stingy.
lf l'd shot a plane down, l'd be
offering tobacco right and left.
The lieutenant said that
you'd keep your eyes wide open.
He's a pretty sharp guy.
You know what he thinks?
That we'll be the first
to be hit by the tanks.
They can group
behind those hills up there
and be out of sight.
They can jump up like ghosts.
The lieutenant said,
''l'm counting on Borzykh
and on you, Lopakhin.''
So we must hold on, Akim.
He's right to think he can count
on us. We're all combat veterans,
most of us are Communists,
and the lieutenant's okay.
He's a good guy.
We will hold on, but will those boys
on our flanks hold?
There's a lot more ofthem,
they'll hold.
Good luck, Akim.
Same to you.
l thought nothing could surprise me
anymore, but l was wrong.
What do you think
you're doing?
l'm not going to tell you!
l really appreciate your asking,
but go to hell now!
Sorry but l can't stop to chat.
l've got better things to do than
waste my breath on a jerk like you.
Though l'm curious to know one thing:
what knucklehead put you in that hole,
and what do you expect to grow there,
and where's your kitchen,
and what kind of crud are you going
to throw at us today?
No one had put me in here.
l've dug that hole myself,
and l'm camping here.
l got bored hanging
around my kitchen.
So this is my new address.
He's camping here?
You think we couldn't
hold this place without you?
Damn right.
You must be a mind reader.
l'm not trusting you,
l think you'll chicken out seeing
the enemy. That's why l'm here.
Get serious for a minute, and tell me,
what kind of crud are you feeding us
What did you say, Petya?
That's exactly what l said!
Borscht with fresh mutton
and cabbage too.
Want to know how?
Over by the bridge, a bomb fell on
a herd of sheep, l dressed out one.
l couldn't let it go to waste,
could l?
So l cooked the lamb
and stole some fresh cabbage
from a kitchen garden.
l cooked everything, and now l'm here.
l'll fight for a little while, support
you youngsters,
and then you'll have hot borscht
with fresh meat in it,
prepared with all my skill.
So everything's all right with me.
Are you pleased with me, hero?
Where's all your big talk?
My dear namesake!
Listen, Petya,
instead of patting me,
how about giving me a grenade?
Sure l'll give you a grenade, Petya,
you've got one coming.
- Here's a grenade for you!
- It just might do a little good here.
It's simple.
Pull this thing out,
and bounce it offtheir heads!
lt's all right!
Thanks for your kindness!
Hey, Sasha,
pull up your pants and hold on!
How's your morale today?
All right?
Well, that's good.
You have to keep your sense of humor
in this kind of business.
Gimme a shell!
Wow! That's real shooting!
Take a look at that, Sasha!
Who taught them to shoot?
Whoever taught them
deserves a kiss.
Watch, Sasha!
At this rate they won't need us.
Did you see that, Sasha?
What's wrong with you?
You look all gray.
This kind of life will make anyone
look gray.
There he is!
Get the bastard!
Gimme a shell!
Gimme a shell!
You stupid bastard!
Are you fighting or what?
Why didn't you shoot?
- Me?
- You!
You've got a kraut there,
so shoot!
l want him dead,
not taken prisoner.
Shoot him!
Before he raises his hands up!
I want to be up to my knees, to my
neck in his stinking blood!
Film Two
O God, have mercy!
Don't let me die!
What they have reduced me to,
Of course I am not
in the party,
so religion isn't strictly
forbidden for me.
But still...
...l didn't do so good.
It didn't look
too nice.
But when you're hard pressed,
Они сражались за Родину Они сражались за Родину

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- текст Вертикаль на английском
- текст Железяки на английском
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон. Собака Баскервилей. на английском
- текст Легенда о пианисте на английском
- текст Проверка на дорогах на английском

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