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Они сражались за Родину

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of cartridges in my pack!
No, I'm gonna drown,
that's all there is to it!
And why should I lug all this stuff
right up to the last second?
What's the point oftorturing
myself before I die?
When we get to the Don,
I'll dump it all,
I'll take my pants off
and drown stark naked.
- To be drowned naked is more natural.
- You won't drown, turds float.
That's exactly the case.
So you'll be the first to get across,
and I'll go to the bottom.
I've run into some strange ones,
but you take the cake.
When we come to the Don,
I'll give you my razor.
I'm not a scrooge like you are.
And when you shave, think of
the drowned Alexander Kopytovsky.
- Gimme the razor, there's a raft!
- I'm gonna need it myself now.
I'm alive again!
The moment I saw that raft,
I was born all over again.
I'm returning your portrait
I'm not asking for your love
I send you no reproach nor regret
With you forever I am in love.
That's it...
The lieutenant's dead.
Comrade soldiers!
My sons!
My sons, look at the mist
all around us.
Black misfortune
Iooms above us,
just like the mist.
Even at night
our misfortune
keeps us from sleeping
and in the day it blurs
the light of the sun.
You and I
can never forget it
for one moment.
Not now
when we're burying our comrade,
the last officer
in our regiment.
Not later
when we may have a light moment
during a break, with an accordion
playing for us.
We will remember it.
We were retreating, my sons,
but everyone knows how hard we
resisted and at how high a cost.
Count our fallen brothers here.
We have nothing to be ashamed of
when we look
our people in the eye.
Unashamed, though it will be hard!
I'm an old man who has
fought again and again.
I've seen combat
in four wars!
I have faith:
the new support
forces are coming
and we shall retrace
the path we have come,
only going towards the setting sun.
The rumble of our steps will be
like drums,
Iike drums in the death march,
and it'll make the solid earth shake!
I hope you too,
Comrade Lieutenant,
will hear that relentless
step and rejoice.
That's the trucks with fuel
and ammo going up.
There goes what's left
of our supplies.
They might split up our
regiment now, right?
Yeah, that means
we'll have to part.
You hear, Sasha?
To part with whom?
You and me.
What are you talking about?
I won't even listen to it.
Gonna split our antitank popgun up
into two pieces?
You stay
and I stay too!
Oh, oh, you lunkhead!
Without me around to yell at,
you'd die of boredom.
Who else would
humor you like me?
I have the patience for it.
Well, I need
some rest.
I'm not made out of iron
like Lopakhin.
I've even got
some foreign fleas
and they've gone nuts.
I used to think you were a Russian,
Nekrasov, but you're just shit.
What do you mean?
Where're you from?
Someplace around Kursk?
Yes, Kursk.
The village of Lebedyany.
Come on, tell us about
your secret disease.
What's so funny?
There's nothing funny about it.
For your information,
I've got a trench disease.
What kind of disease is that?
Tell us, Nekrasov.
Is it something weird?
It's not what you're thinking
with your filthy minds.
It's not a bodily ailment,
but a mental one.
Mental one?
You can't have it,
for you've got no brains!
It has nowhere
to take root!
There's no ground for it,
I just went to see the commander
ofthe 34th regiment.
Our orders are
to go at once
to Talovsky Farm.
The command post
of our division's there.
I dared to ask him
what would happen to us.
"Don't worry, old man,"
he said.
"Since your boys have saved
the regiment's sacred banner,
you'll be kept together."
We'll be getting reinforcements
and new commanding officers,
and soon we'll be at the front.
In the middle of a crucial sector.
The most crucial!
Everything understood?
At least my lungs are okay,
that's something.
But more important...
What about my legs?
Are the bones smashed or not?
Shall I walk
or be
Они сражались за Родину Они сражались за Родину

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- текст Мутанты Икс - Сезон 2 на английском

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