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horizons. For a clearer view of...
Is there anything I can do?
I'm fine.
Interstate Technologies
is an equal-opportunity employer.
Looks like the weather is shaping up
for a great weekend.
You know, it's hard to believe that there's
only 11 more shopping days till Christmas.
Good luck finding a parking space within
hitchhiking distance of the malls, too.
You know how jammed it can get.
- Is she okay?
- Yeah, I guess so.
Come on in. Have a seat.
Listen, I have to go
to San Diego tomorrow.
My mom.
- Some friends. My sister.
- But you know they're gone.
I know, but I still have to find out.
I mean, you guys know for sure,
but I don't know.
Did you have, like, a close family?
Yeah, pretty close.
- And you?
- Not anymore.
My real mom hung around until my dad
came back from Vietnam, then she split.
So it's been mostly me and Sam and Dad
and the 3rd special forces.
Smoke Bomb Hill. Fort Bragg.
But then around about
sixth or seventh grade,
it became real obvious
that we weren't boys,
that we were never going to go
to ranger school.
So I guess Dad figured there was
nothing more to offer us.
So he found us a new mom
and went off looking for a war.
What about the em...
The guy. Larry?
Oh, he and I weren't going steady
or anything like that.
- Look, don't go to San Diego, okay?
- I have to.
But I'll be back.
Please, okay?
What will you give me if I come back?
Could give you Florida. Florida and Texas.
Florida, Texas and Hawaii.
- Hawaii? I wanted Hawaii.
- When I come back,
I'll take you to dinner.
Your choice.
See? This is the problem
with these things.
Daddy would have gotten us Uzis.
The car didn't know the difference.
So, did you make it with him last night?
- Who?
- The Good Humor Man. Who do you think?
- Jeez. Is that what's bugging you?
- That's no answer, man.
No, I didn't make it with him last night.
Why are you so weirded out?
Oh, right, Reg.
Why should I be weirded out?
My sister, who swiped every guy
I ever had my eye on
has now swiped the last guy
in the whole freaked-out world.
I don't know who you are out there,
but I have a gun.
So if I were you,
I'd split while I had a chance.
Look, kid, just stay away.
We don't want any.
Get out of here, you little freak.
Lucky for you I like kids.
Jeez! There goes the neighborhood.
Audrey, what's the code?
We found survivors.
How long will the blood test take?
Not long.
I've talked with some of the others,
and we've decided
that it would be more beneficial
to conduct the blood tests in the field.
So I want you to go to LA
with the rest of the group.
Whatever the majority wants.
You don't seem to hold
majority rule in very high regard.
If something's wrong, it's wrong.
Majority rule doesn't have anything
to do with it.
But it goes straight
to the core purpose of our group,
which is to survive.
You'll grant me that?
The core purpose never included
bringing outsiders to the facility.
That's about the twelfth can
you've downed this morning.
Yeah, well, what're you gonna do
when your complexion freaks out?
Dermatologist is dead, you know.
I know and I'm getting a rash
or something, too.
Oh, God. You and your rashes.
Hey, I'm sorry if the end of the world
makes me a little nervous.
So, do you like him?
- Come on, Sam.
- I'm just interested.
Yeah, well, I guess so.
I mean, he's nice.
There was this new guy at school.
Paul Morgan.
He transferred from Taft. Junior.
Oh, I don't hang around
with juniors much.
I liked him.
I mean, he was from Taft,
but, he was nice.
Kathy said he was probably
gonna ask me out.
Huh, Kathy.
She was flunking algebra
and she was trying to figure out some way
to keep her parents from finding out.
This is really a lucky break for her.
No wonder I'm breaking out.
Think we could go home and change?
- Why don't we get a little creative?
- What?
- Do you have your
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