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Незнайка на Луне

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they live inside.
in the very heart ofthe Moon.
And it's freezing and quiet outside.
Oh. our poor Baby moon.
I can't believe my eyes.
I'm so glad I found you.
It's an urgent business trip.
Our paper is sending you
to the Entertainment Island.
I don't work in you paper any more.
- And I don't beIieve you.
- Dear Little Star. I'm begging you.
They'll crush me, if you don't go.
Why does he bother you?
They want to lure me into some trap.
Mr. Octopus sent him here.
Stop fooling around with me.
I had to check it beforehand.
Hey. man.
You loaded the machine-gun wrong.
You turned the cartridge belt
wrong side up.
Well, dear friends.
I discussed the problem with Miga.
We'll establish a Joint-Stock Company.
We'll issue shares.
They are papers we can sell for money
and then we'll trade them for the seeds.
But why not give out the seeds
free of charge?
They are a present from the shorties
who live on planet Earth.
- Right, Know-Nothing?
- Of course.
- lt sure is a present.
- And a great one.
We'll have to build an aircraft
to get to this present.
That is why, me dear friends,
first of all
we'll make a stir
about our enterprise.
Radio. TV. newspapers!
A shorty has arrived here...
- From another pIanet.
- Yes. I have!
We'll start selling our shares.
And we'll spend the money
on an aircraft, right?
- And we'll find Doughnut. shan't we?
- Well. of course.
- lf...
- If the moon shorties believe
that these are seeds of giant pIants
from another planet.
I got it!
Know-Nothing. we have to show them
your spacesuit.
Do you know where it is now?
Police! Freeze!
- You are under arrest!
- Can you feel it?
You're under arrest.
I don't like it.
The bird is caught in a cage.
I'll show you, rascals!
You'll be sorry!
What is this? Who putthe traps
around here?
Let me go or l don't know
what I shall do.
Search them all
and I don't want any argument.
You're tickling me...
Look, he's got a ticket
to the Fools' Island
and he's fooling around here.
It's not mine!
I'm Grizzle,
editor-in-chief ofthe Moon Paper!
Everyone says something like that, my dear.
Are you all right afterthe flight?
Do you like our moon city?
It's me and this is Mr. Julio.
Hardware of various caliber.
Wholesalers get discounts.
We were the first to notice
the alien astronaut.
Mr. Woods' Magazine...
Hello. space stranger!
Little Brothers, I came here...
It's the heartbeat of a spaceman.
Attention. Dr. Syringe speaking.
I work around the clock.
Cholera street, 15.
l charge twice as much
at night.
"Spacesuit intelligence"
only on Moon-TV.
Little Brothers, I came here...
The alien can see through the glass...
He sees top-rate rooms
of the top-rate hotel
which belongs to top-rate me.
Mr. Huts.
I came here, Little Brothers...
Ladies and gentIemen!
Here is the sensational
business offer.
The seeds of giant plants
from Earth.
They are a present...
- Here they are, ladies and gentlemen.
- Fill your pockets with magic seeds.
- Money goes first.
- Listen to me...
Buy a share.
It's sensational!
Here is Joint-stock Company of giant plants!
- Let him speak.
- Let him say some words.
- I wantto give...
- He wants to get one of you.
During the terrible space flight
he became tough and violent.
Well. we didn't get much money out of it.
Because no one believed the story
of these seeds.
And what if Doughnut atethem all?
How come?
He could do this ifthere was no other
food left.
He can eat anything.
- Even a rocket!
- Look!
- Don't go away!
- Why don't you come in?
They say, Mr. Know-Nothing
eats shorties.
And that's the reason they keep him
in a special spacesuit.
Look. he'sjust a shorty.
like you and me.
I came here from Earth.
Sothat giant flowers
could blossom here.
He went on a perilous journey
To make the moon beautiful.
He comes from an alien land,
But he looks like us.
The moon will flourish
when we bring seeds from Earth
Незнайка на Луне Незнайка на Луне

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- текст Ты, живущий на английском
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- текст Вельд на английском
- текст Стенка на стенку на английском

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