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Главная / Мэри Поппинс, до свидания!

Мэри Поппинс, до свидания!

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And what are the criteria,
miss Andrew?
The child must brush his teeth
regularly and be obedient.
That's all? But many of your
pupils have already grown up.
That is of no significance,
my girl.
An obedient pupil makes
a good citizen.
I would like you to answer some
more questions.
I am so tired, dearest! The
journey was very tiresome.
My secretary will answer your
questions. Please, sir Thomas.
- And I will watch the luggage.
- But, miss Andrew!
Could we hear miss Andrew's
opinion of modern children?
They're naughty boors!
- And what about art?
- Depravity!
God damn my spleen!
15000 pounds to the best pupil!
I'm saved! We surface!
Why didn't mister Robertson
attend the ceremony?
- He is not feeling well. - And
what exactly is wrong with him?
I can't hear you.
- He's got the flue.
- Get back in line.
If he doesn't show up for
breakfast, he won't get lunch.
At ease!
In the city center,
Where grass doesn't grow,
There lived a poet, a magician
of the word,
An inspired rhymester.
He would rhyme everything
he saw,
Until he strained himself
to breaking point,
And so he went to the country,
Where cows pick on green grass,
To remedy his poor health.
33 cows, 33 cows,
33 cows. A fresh line!
33 cows, a new poem is born
like a glass of fresh milk!
33 cows, a new poem is born
like a glass of fresh milk.
He would get up at 5 in the
That was not an easy task.
He would recite his poems
to the cows,
And they would give him milk.
Day after day, the summer
went by.
The poet grew a little taller.
Everyone knows, milk diet...
Is good for poets...
If they're only 6!
33 cows, 33 cows,
33 cows, a fresh line!
33 cows, a new poem is born,
like a glass of fresh milk.
33 cows, 33 cows,
33 cows, a fresh line!
33 cows, a new poem is born,
like a glass of fresh milk.
Like a glass of fresh milk,
Like a glass of fresh milk!
Sit down!
I didn't give the signal
to start.
Dear friends, at the end of the
third day of my presence here...
...I am forced to state that
this is not a household,
...but a bunch of undisciplined
On Friday George was 6 minutes
late for lunch. What happened?
- My bike broke down.
- Don't interrupt!
You have impossible manners,
George. I'll take care of that.
On Saturday Mrs. Banks...
...served me cold coffee.
Would you care to explain?
But we had no gas until today...
It is not surprising that in
such a family children grow up
light-headed, lazy and
In South Cockatoo they send
children like them...
...to penitentiaries for
juvenile delinquents.
- Isn't that true, dear Thomas?
- Absolutely!
Besides, I heard they had
a governess,
a suspicious type who knew
nothing about children!
- Please!
- What?!
But the most detestable object
in your house is your brother.
He doesn't work, he doesn't
He demonstrated unheard-of
disobedience by not showing up
for the flag-raising ceremony.
There are limits to everything.
And the teeth? I saw it.
I saw everything.
You squeezed out toothpaste and
threw it into the washbasin!
What a disgrace! What kind of an
example are you setting!
I deprive you of your breakfast.
Leave the table this instant!
We are waiting.
Very well.
But don't expect me to trade my
ideals for oatmeal porridge!
With which, incidentally, you've
been stuffing us for 3 days.
You were right, Mary Poppins.
A thousand times right.
One needs to do something.
Act, act!
Now we can have breakfast.
Well. Well.
Enough, thank you.
Breakfast is over.
Danke zein, mein neihen!
Thank you, darling.
My friends, I think the
wallpaper is shockingly motley.
It's a disgrace for a
respectable English home.
I've ordered some new wallpaper.
There' a sample.
Come here, girl! Quick!
Stand here. Little, boy you
stand over there!
How do you like it? I hope you
remember how to put it up.
- But Miss...
- Of course we do, miss Andrew!
When I was a
Мэри Поппинс, до свидания! Мэри Поппинс, до свидания!

Читайте также:
- текст Аленький цветочек на английском
- текст Они сражались за Родину на английском
- текст Я был рождён, но... на английском
- текст Алиса здесь больше не живет на английском
- текст Ночь зайца на английском

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