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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Морозко


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anything to you!
Damn you!
Wicked viper!
l killed you with an arrow,
and you ruined me with a feather.
lfyou hadn't acted like a bear,
you wouldn't look like a bear.
Oh, lvan, the bear head!
Forgive me, Granddad Mushroom.
lt isjust the wayyou said:
The bear bows to me,
but it's your back that bends.
You taught me a good lesson.
Please, tell me what l should do
to be a man again?
All right, the bear head.
Look at the wayyou lived.
You just boasted
and admired yourself.
Loved yourself and hurt others.
- Nastenka, for one.
- Nastenka?
Nobody saw any good from you.
That's my answer and my advice.
To take it you have to be wise.
What's so wise about it?
l'll go and do a good deed.
And through a good deed
l'll get myformer self, indeed.
You haven't understood anything.
What good deed can l do foryou?
Wait, you fools!
Don't run away!
l want to do good foryou!
A bear!
Hello, dearflowers
on the dry stump.
l come here every day,
l charm you in every little way.
Am l bothering you?
No, l am not.
Tell me, flowers,
is lvanushka still alive?
He is.
ls he still angrywith me?
No, he is not.
Shall we ever meet again?
Have mercy,
brothers and sisters.
Give alms
for my subsistence.
Whateveryou can,
For an orphan
who is hungry and wan.
- How much is in your cup?
- Not a half copeck.
lfthat's so, here's a copeck.
lt seems a copeck
is not enough for a good deed.
Where are you going?
Run foryour life!
What good deed shall l do?
Nastya, give us the braid!
Mom, whiten her brows!
Oh, my lovely darling!
Nastka's braid is nicerthan mine.
Foryours we paid at the fair.
Cut her braid off!
What shall l drag her by, then?
We'll hide her braid under a rag.
All right.
Love to munch
when the stove's all smudged?
Go like that, you viper!
You'll do betterwiping.
Oh, you're a princess!
- Really?
-You are
A princess...
- l'm tired, l'm hot.
- Shut up and bearthe lot.
No, you're not a princess.
-Who, then?
-A queen!
What good deed could l do?
- Granny, let me help you.
- Please, be so good.
With pleasure.
l need badlyto do good.
- Then do it.
- Climb on.
-Where to?
- On my hump.
- Do you live farfrom here?
-Veryfar, my dear.
Up the hill, then down the hill,
then up the hill again.
That's great!
lt's great, but don't get sweaty.
Come on, let's go!
My daughter is so right.
She works day and night.
She sweeps, she sews, she knits,
She won't say a word against it.
She starts a stove in the morning,
She gets it cooking and broiling.
The floor she mops all shining,
She's great at wining and dining.
Yeah, such a wonder
you can't even dream of.
Matchmaker, you're overdoing it.
We hear
you have another daughter.
People babble like it's scrabble.
l'm the daughter,
the other is a stepdaughter.
Be so kind, show us the other kind.
lfyou insist, here she is.
Nastenka! Nastenka!
Come here!
You viper!
Nastenka, my sweetie,
my honeycomb!
Show up to our guests.
This one is no good at all.
She's a scarecrow in the mall!
Our little fool is neither pretty,
norfull. Takes after herfather.
l keep mum...
What can l offeryou?
Fish or meat,
we're thankful for it.
My dear son
adores goose giblets.
Let your lovely daughter
take care of it.
And we'll see
how good she is at work.
-Are you sweating, dear?
- lt's mighty hot.
- Can you see a ramshackle hut?
- l'm seeing it.
That's my palace.
Come on down! Faster!
Here we are!
Here it is, my palace.
Thank you, handsome!
Are you laughing at me?
Can't you see how handsome l am?
No, l can't.
lt's been about 10 years
since l went blind.
l wish l have gone blind.
Granddad Mushroom lied to me.
l'll never look at myself again!
How is the bride?
He likes her a lot.
Fair and bonny, she's not phoney.
- Marfoushka! Daughter!
- Help!
Save me, quick!
You should've tied it tighter!
Are you rejecting my child?
He is a young lad,
Морозко Морозко

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