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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Морозко


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say a word against it.
She starts a stove in the morning,
She gets it cooking and broiling.
The floor she mops all shining,
She's great at wining and dining.
Yeah, such a wonder
you can't even dream of.
Matchmaker, you're overdoing it.
We hear
you have another daughter.
People babble like it's scrabble.
l'm the daughter,
the other is a stepdaughter.
Be so kind, show us the other kind.
lfyou insist, here she is.
Nastenka! Nastenka!
Come here!
You viper!
Nastenka, my sweetie,
my honeycomb!
Show up to our guests.
This one is no good at all.
She's a scarecrow in the mall!
Our little fool is neither pretty,
norfull. Takes after herfather.
l keep mum...
What can l offeryou?
Fish or meat,
we're thankful for it.
My dear son
adores goose giblets.
Let your lovely daughter
take care of it.
And we'll see
how good she is at work.
-Are you sweating, dear?
- lt's mighty hot.
- Can you see a ramshackle hut?
- l'm seeing it.
That's my palace.
Come on down! Faster!
Here we are!
Here it is, my palace.
Thank you, handsome!
Are you laughing at me?
Can't you see how handsome l am?
No, l can't.
lt's been about 10 years
since l went blind.
l wish l have gone blind.
Granddad Mushroom lied to me.
l'll never look at myself again!
How is the bride?
He likes her a lot.
Fair and bonny, she's not phoney.
- Marfoushka! Daughter!
- Help!
Save me, quick!
You should've tied it tighter!
Are you rejecting my child?
He is a young lad,
and readyto wed.
But not this one!
The other one!
The one called Nastenka.
How can Grannywalk
without her stick?
l've got to take it to her!
Good boy, lvanushka!
Maybe l'mjust dreaming,
maybe l'm seeing ghosts,
or it's the old sorcerer's tricks
at theirworst.
The feather had brought me here.
Here l met Nastenka.
Look, the stump is blooming!
The evil sorcerer
is playing tricks on me.
l'll never be free of his spell.
So, there's only one choice...
Farewell, Nastenka!
Manyweeks had passed,
the sky's with snow overcast!
The old man took his daughter
to the forest, 'cause he ought to.
Not of his own free will,
on the old woman's grill.
She nagged him!
She scolded him!
She pecked him!
She moulded him!
l tryto get Marfoushka married,
but everybody looks
at Nastya, the weird.
Take herto the woods
and dump her!
Out of my sight, wicked viper!
l don't care ifthe old nag
kills me,
but l'm not leaving you
in the forest, believe me.
Come on, Zorka! Turn back home!
Let her beat me with a poker,
orwith a pitchfork.
l'm not afraid of her anymore!
l'm not afraid of anyone!
l'll tell herwhat l think!
She'll make you miserable, dad,
she will drive you mad.
Goodbye, daddy.
Remember me well.
C'mon, Zorka, go!
Hey, you in the house, move up!
Open the doors wide!
- Mommy!
That's enough!
l'm not putting up with...
l'm keeping mum...
Marfoushka, go back in,
you'll catch a cold, darling.
You'd betterwatch out!
Our Nastenka is gone...
Little hut, turn your back
to the forest, and yourface to me.
What do you want?
We didn't expect you.
You turned the cabin,
disturbed the old lady.
lt was not to your heart
that it showed a wrong facade.
Don't be angry, Granny.
Help me to find Nastya
and save her.
Don't expect me to help.
You'd better run before you yelp.
Come on, little cabin!
Turn yourface to the forest
and your back to lvan.
Face me!
Back to lvan!
Back to the forest, face me!
Face the forest, back to lvan!
You hooligan!
lt will be myway!
Cabin, face me!
- Face me!
- Face me!
lt won't be yourwayfor long!
Do not rely on your strength.
You'll use strength,
l'll use magic!
Be brave, Hercules!
One! Two!
This way, you boaster,
You'll make a fine roaster!
No use, lvan, to fight,
don't show all your might.
l'll have you for dinner anyway.
- l didn't mean it.
-You didn't?
l've never been put on a shovel.
Show me
howto sit on a shovel.
Get down.
Морозко Морозко

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