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they'll live together
40, 50 years.
It's got to be more than whether
they're good-looking or not.
You think you're
not so good-looking.
My father was an ugly man,
but my mother adored him.
She used to get
miserable sometimes,
like everybody
and my father always
tried to understand.
I used to see them
sitting in the living room,
talking and talking.
I used to adore my old man
because he was always so kind
that's one of the most
beautiful things in my life-
the way my parents were.
And my father was
a real ugly man.
It doesn't matter if
you look like a gorilla.
We ain't such dogs
as we think we are
I'm 29 years old.
How old are you?
I'm 34
aunt Theresa, come in.
Is Catherina here?
We didn't tell her anything yet.
We thought you'd put it
like how you were lonely,
and why doesn't she
come and live with you.
It'll look like
she's doing you a favor
instead of being thrown out.
And it won't be so cruel on her.
You want Tommy and me
to stay with you?
You and Tommy go out.
Otherwise, she might
start to fight with you.
Hello, aunt Theresa.
Hello, Thomas.
Who's there?
Who's there?
It's me, Catherina.
What are you doing here?
I come to see you.
How you feel?
I got pain on my left side.
My leg throb like a drum.
I've been getting pain
in my shoulder.
Me, too.
I got pain in my hip
my right arm aches
so much I can't sleep.
It's a curse to be old.
We got a postcard from my
son, Nicky, and his bride.
They're in Florida
on their honeymoon.
I got a letter from my
husband's cousin in abruzzi.
His mother die
You remember
Emilio di Giorgio,
who own a tavern
in Abruzzi?
He die.
You know
who else die?
You know, the old man
who live upstairs
in this house.
Old irishman, always drunk.
He gets pleurisy.
He stay 2 weeks
in a hospital.
Yesterday, he die.
I like to visit you,
because you always got
such cheerful news.
Hey, kids,
why don't you 2 kids
go to the movies?
We be babysitter.
Let's go down to Kaplans'.
Sure. Sure
ma, we'll be down
at the Kaplans'
if you want us
for anything, ok?
I wake up this morning.
I hear the baby cry,
so I wake up.
I come in their room,
and that girl is shaking
her hand at the baby.
I said, "don't you
strike my son's baby!"
That's her baby, too.
That's Thomas's baby.
But it's not your baby
she throw a bottle
of milk at me.
I know.
I tell you wha
t she do yesterday?
She give m
e the evil eye.
I keep one eye open
when I sleep,
because she's gonna
stab me in my bed.
I want you to come
and live with me.
Thomas and his wife,
they come to my house today.
They say things
are no good in this house.
your son is married.
Leave them in peace.
He wants to be alone
with his wife.
They don't want
no old woman.
My son Thomas come to
see you this afternoon,
and he say to you
he's gonna throw his
mother from this house?
Catherina, don't make
an opera out of this.
The 3 of you and a little
baby in 3 little rooms.
You know this is no good,
old woman living
with a husband and wife.
2 women
in the Same kitchen,
and the house burns up.
So I'm a garbage bag
put in the street!
don't make a tragedy.
Come and live in my house
where you know you'll
be happier yourself.
It pains
they should do this.
I know it pains.
These are the worst years,
I tell you.
you are very dear to me.
We cried
lots of times together.
When my poor husband die,
I would be crazy
if not for you.
I ask you
to come to my house
because I know
I can make you happy.
Please come to my house.
These are the worst years,
I tell you.
It's gonna happen to you.
I'm afraid to look
in the mirror
and see an old lady
with white hair
like the old ladies
in the park-
little bundles
in black shawl
waiting for the coffin
I'm 56 years old.
What I got to do
with myself?
I got strength in my hands.
I want to make dinner
for my children.
Am I
Марти Марти

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- текст Вся королевская рать на английском
- текст До мозга костей на английском

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