Sorry! Hey, wait for me! Hold the boat! I'm coming! Noah! Mr. The Ark! I'm here. Barely made it. I thought you were leaving without... Gee, Mr. Noah, sir... ...l'm gonna come too. What are you, anyway? Good question. Now technically speaking... ...let's say, put me down as a whatever. What do you mean? What is your species? I don't know. I guess there's only one of me. Then you are doomed! Wait. Wait! Yes, sir? You may need this. But, but... I don't want to be alone! No, I don't want to be alone. I don't wanna be alone! You're not alone. Who said that? Gee, I don't know. Maybe it's the rat who's hanging out of the window! Rizzo? No, it's Santa, but I forgot my reindeer. - I'm sorry, Rizzo. - Yeah, right. Boy. I had that weird dream again. The one with the goat and the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter? It was the one where... Forget it. You wouldn't understand. I'd understand. Come on, we're roommates. I'm here for you, man. Okay. It's the one where I'm talking to this Noah guy... ...and he won't let me on his boat because I'm all... ...alone. Good night, Rizzo. Morning. What? Hey, man! I do it all for you, ladies. And scrunch. Scrunch it. And right. And left. And suck in those tummies, ladies. Great. Way to get down with your bad selves. - Pass the bagel. - Good morning, Rowlf. Good morning, Bob. - Good morning, everyone. - Morning. Hello, little people. What an absolutely splendid day! How are you, Piggy? Late. I start my fabulous new job today. We megastar TVjournalists have to be punctual, you know. - TVjournalist? - Gotta run. Bye, Kermie. Kissie, kissie. - Is breakfast over? - No, why? Because I think the bacon just ran out. The raspberry flapovers will be out in a moment. Uncle Kermit, what will you do now that you're on vacation? Robin, once I get those housepainters started... ...l'm gonna kick back and relax. - When will you fix the oven, okay? - What's wrong with it? That. Yurski burski popovers kaboofed. I'll put it on the top of my list. There is a menu correction, okay. We will now be serving bologna sandwiches. But no bread. I'm gone. Hey, Gonzo, aren't you performing at that bar mitzvah today? Electric Mayhem's covering for me. Shalom. Oy! But you never miss the chance to get shot out of a cannon. Something wrong? It's just that I'm sick and tired of being a one-of-a-kind freak, that's all. Gonzo, you are not a one-of-a-kind freak. You're a... A whatever? - Yeah. - You see? See what I mean? I don't even know where I came from orwho I am. Yo, Kerm. Were you waiting for some painters? - They're driving away. - What? Animal bit one of them. Wait, guys! Don't let them go! You know what you are? Distinct. Hey, wait, guys! He didn't mean it! He's just a musician! Distinct, huh? More like extinct. "Watch the sky"? Rizzo, come here. I think my Kap'n Alphabet is sending me a message. I had some guacamole last night, and it's still speaking to me. No, really. Look, look. I'm not kidding. Well, it was there just a second ago. I swear, Rizzo. It said, "Watch the sky." Are you sure it didn't say, "You need help"? Maybe you and your cereal want to be alone. Oh, boy. My bologna has a first name It's O-S-C-A-R Cool. "R U there"? C.O.V.N.E.T. Top secret national security facility. Mission: Investigate threat of extraterrestrial attack... ... cleverly disguised as a cement factory. General Luft, welcome. I'm on a schedule. What have you got? Hard evidence. We finally got them. - Rentro. - Yes, sir? The remote. The goat? The remote. I thought he said, "The goat." Overthe past few months... ...we have received some unusual communications. Communications, sir, that are not of this Earth. - Really? - Incoming. Sorry about that, general. Here's your remote. Thank you, Rentro. We believe that aliens ------------------------------ Читайте также: - текст Посейдон на английском - текст В то же время, в следующем году на английском - текст Вертикаль на английском - текст Раба любви на английском - текст Посылка с Марса на английском |