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Ловец снов

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some gun.
Can l have a look?
-Kind of flashy for a guy like you, isn't it?
-lt's a gift.
l know.
Where are you, Jonesy?
Pick up the phone. Call 1 -800-HENRY.
Hello? Jonesy.
Jesus Christ, l knew it was you.
Where's he taking you?
Massachusetts? He is?
Duddits? Okay, l will.
You hang in there, Jonesy.
He hung up.
Give me back my gun.
-We gotta go to Derry.
-That where they're going?
No, they're going towards Massachusetts.
We need Duddits.
Jonesy says Mr. Gray is afraid of Duddits.
Your buddy, he's still alive
after all this time with Mr. Gray?
Yeah, he's immune.
l think it's because he died.
He got hit by a car
and his heart stopped. Twice.
l don't think he even knows it.
He came back from the dead.
Must have changed him somehow.
lt's almost like Duddits saw
this whole thing coming. ls that it?
Jonesy told me it was Duddits
who drew him into the accident.
lf we catch him,
we're gonna have to kill him.
You know we have to do it.
lt's the only way to stop Mr. Gray...
...assuming we can catch him.
When was the last time you saw Duddits?
Long time ago.
What makes you so sure he can help?
Duddits can do anything.
l didn't understand that then,
but l think it's always been true.
He's the one who made us like this.
-Like what?
-You know, weird.
He's been waiting for you.
Blizzard slowed us up.
Henny, Henny.
l miss you, Henny.
l miss you.
Long time, Henny.
-My God, Roberta, what is it?
-Lymphocytic leukemia.
l'm gonna let you take him,
but l have to tell you why.
Just now, when he was getting ready...
...Henry he was so excited.
Like he hasn't been in such a long time.
l think...
...that if he's with you,
he might die happy...
...instead of in this awful room.
Be sure the parka stays on tight.
Cold devastates him.
The medication and instructions are in here.
Bye, Mom.
Goodbye, Duddie. Be a good boy.
Now, go save the world.
l'm all right, laddie.
They haven't got enough courage
to take my trailer. Not yet, anyway.
What've we got?
They're leaving Derry, Maine, heading
south on 95. Toward Massachusetts.
Stay with it, bucko.
General Matheson. Come in, please.
This is very nice, Abe.
Been home through some rough times.
Was there something we hadn't covered?
l don't think l got to say before
how much l respect the work you've done.
lt was with sincere regret--
Herman-- May l call you Herman?
We may not agree on all the strategic
initiatives, but we do agree on this:
l'm past it. Burned out.
Just needed a push, that's all.
Should have quit
after that mess in Montana.
Even l don't trust my judgment anymore.
Oh, yeah....
My techies tell me we're getting
some electronics reading hot from in here.
Yes, l've been talking
to the wife on my sat phone.
l don't know if you've ever met Barbara.
She's been after me for years to retire.
She's very happy, l can tell you that.
l'll have everything shut down in an hour.
lf that's soon enough.
That will be fine.
How do you turn off the goddamn lights?
Maybe you shouldn't have been
so fast to kill that trooper.
You're making yourself at home.
You have no idea, Jonesy.
Tell me how you like this:
''Maybe you shouldn't have been
so fast to kill that trooper.'' Not bad?
Oh, don't like that, Gary, do you?
Ownzy. He's in a police car now.
He's in a police car now.
Can you see where they are, Duds?
Ownzy. He's in lster Gay.
Mr. Gray.
That's right, Duds, he is in Mr. Gray.
''lster Gay'' is Mr. Gray.
We gotta save this girl.
Save the world?
Not the world, Duds, a girl.
We'll save the world some other time.
lster Gay?
You already knew.
Where's he going, Duds?
Where is Mr. Gray taking Jonesy?
lster Gay, he want war.
-Not war, water.
Mr. Gray wants water.
l know where he's going.
Ловец снов Ловец снов

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