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Лиля навсегда

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think happens
when someone dies?
Does he go to paradise,
to God and Jesus and aII of that?
I don't know...
I beIieve that.
I think you become an angeI in heaven.
You can pIay basketbaII aII day Iong
and score as many points as you Iike.
And be a miIIion times better
than MichaeI Jordan.
That's buIIshit...
That's not the onIy thing
you can do there.
You can do what you Iike in paradise.
Dance, pIay computer games,
go to parties...
That's stupid. I'm not going to die,
I'm going to America.
I'd pIay basketbaII.
- Cut it out.
-What are you doing?
- I feeI sick...
-Where you going?
Stop it...
I don't want to be here anymore.
I'm tired of this...
So you've had no contact with your
mother since she moved to America?
- No.
-And she hasn't caIIed?
I don't have a teIephone.
- She hasn't written?
- No.
We've received a Ietter from her.
Do you know anything about this?
In the Ietter she writes...
Of course it's not IegaIIy binding.
You can't formaIIy do this...
But she writes
that she renounces her parenthood.
This means that she no Ionger wishes
to be your guardian.
Guardian? What are you taIking about?
Look, I reaIIy feeI sorry for you,
but here she writes...
I can read it to you.
''LiIya has aIways been
an unwanted chiId''-
-''and therefore
I no Ionger wish to be her guardian.''
''I here by hand her over
to the care of the SociaI Services.''
It's awfuI, I understand...
It's awfuI.
And cigarettes, pIease.
That'II be 160,40.
- CIose your eyes.
CIose your eyes.
-What for?
- PIease, cIose your eyes.
-What you going to do?
- Nothing speciaI, just do it.
What you going to do?
Are you going to hit me?
- Don't be siIIy. Just cIose your eyes.
-You promise?
LiIya,where you going?
Keep them cIosed... Now you can Iook.
-There you are. For your birthday.
- Is it reaIIy for me?
-Take it!
- ReaIIy? You're kidding...
-You're jerking me around...
- No.
- It's mine? You're sure? Mine? Yeah?
- I promised you.
I never got anything as nice.
-Where'd you get the money?
- I found it on the street.
- No... reaIIy?
- Doesn't matter. Mom sent money.
It's mine! Mine!
Try to take it if you can.
- How you doing?
- Go to heII!
What happened?
You're freezing, it's coId...
-Where do you Iive? You want a Iift?
- Go away!
Don't be afraid, I won't touch you.
I'II just take you home.
You can't waIk around here at night,
it's a dangerous area.
Don't be afraid, I won't touch you.
I'm just a normaI guy.
By the way, my name's Andrei.
I'm LiIya.
PIeased to meet you.
- HeIp yourseIf.
What were you doing so Iate
in such a dangerous neighbourhood?
- Doesn't matter...
- Okay, doesn't matter.
- How oId are you?
- 16.
Then you're a big girI,
but it's stiII dangerous.
I'd advise you not to waIk there.
you going to get into my bed now?.
What are you on about?
I'm not going to sIeep with you.
Why'd you give me a Iift?
- I just did.
-You think I'm stupid?
No, I don't. I just wanted to be nice.
I saw you and just wanted to heIp.
So you think I'm ugIy?
I don't think you're ugIy...
You're reaIIy pretty.
But I'm not going to sIeep with you.
That wasn't why I...
Okay. Sorry...Thanks for the Iift.
Take care...
I thought maybe...
maybe we couId meet sometime?
Just meet...
We couId go somewhere... see a movie...
I don't know. But no funny stuff.
No funny stuff?.
Just don't get any ideas.
Great. CooI...
What are you doing here?
HeII,you scared me!
- Sorry.
-What are you doing here?
Sorry, I scared you.
CouId I... sIeep over at your pIace?
Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.
He just wants to sIeep with you.
No he doesn't.
Course he wants to.
No he doesn't. He's nice.
Don't beIieve it.
-You're just jeaIous.
- Not at aII.
- Course you are.
- Not at aII.
- But of course you are.
- No, I'm not.
He just
Лиля навсегда Лиля навсегда

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