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Легенда о пианисте

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Iooking for an amorous adventure
This one's got America
stamped on his eyes
I can already hear him screaming
I'm going to get my money back
That'll be the day
Singleton, Lee Claire
You don't know me
But I was wondering
if we could have a little chat
A little chat? What about?
About anything you like
Weather conditions?
You pick or chuck the subject
Is this an obscene phone call?
You the fish
with the twenty-dollar name?
Man, where you going?
We got to talk
That way
Wait, we just want to talk to you
Where the hell are we, man?
Hold still
you little son of a bitch
Come on out!
We don't want to hurt you
We're players, man! Sidemen
Bon appetie
You can say that again, brother
You can say that again
You the one that plays
ten kinds ofjazz rolled into one?
I've never counted them
I'm just a piano player
Better start counting, buddy. The
man who invented jazz sent us here
What does he want with me?
He challenges you to a piano duel
Jello Roll, what's the reason
for a trip to Europe on a steamer
when you've never been on anything
bigger than
a Mississippi riverboat?
I don't give a damn about Europe
The only reason
I'm hopping this crappy tub
is because there's a gentleman
I want to meet
They say he plays a hot piano
But I hear he has a little thing
about setting foot on land
Is he talking about me?
You bet he's talking about you
He say, Hey, Jelly
Someone plays better piano than you
So I say to myself, Self
how can this cat play so well
when he don't even have the balls
to get off the goddamn ship
Hey, hot damn, Jelly
You invented jazz
I said, Goddamn you can afford
a first-class ticket to Europe
and the boat
that's going to take you
just by lifting a finger
Get a shot of it, boys, get a shot
Tell the truth. Are you scared?
I don't know
Why a duel?
What happens when you have a duel?
I hope this Jelly Roll Morton guy
is as good as they say
Heard a lot about him
back in the States
He's a Negro
I believe
you're sitting in my seat
You're the one
who invented jazz, right?
That's what they say
And you're the one
who can't play unless you
have the ocean under your ass?
That's what I say
Легенда о пианисте

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