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anyway, there's no way you can stop me.
Go to the ship, we'll discuss it there.
You have no right!
That's an order!
Don't take it badly...what happened?
What happened to the lady that was here?
She had to go, we have to prepare for the circus' arrival.
Man, I did'nt even notice, I'm really out of it.
I'm gone gone gone...where were we?
In one of your rites to show feelings.
Look eye to eye, feeling a strange feeling.
That's not a rite, that's a kiss.
A kiss?
Why don't you leave the circus life?
One can only do so many flips before the trapeze breaks
and you know it'll hurt both you and me.
I'm saying we could get together, get married, and you know what?
If you accept I'll even let that robot into my home, though can't say I like him much.
Do you accept? Yes?
What do you say?
I can't answer how I'd like.
Do you love another?
That's not it.
It's....I don't know...
I have an obligation to fulfill and I mustn't fail!
Give me some hope.
I promise you'll get a solid answer soon.
Torr, let's go.
Oh baby, what lovely bulbs you have.
So her name's Lolobrijida?
And she's a cow?
Well, of course.
And she creates sustenance?
What a marvellous animal!
Quiet down, she's a real flighty animal, it'll go to her head.
You gotta use reverse psychology, smack her self esteem.
She's a dry cow, doesn't give milk. Makes me angry.
Let's go Torr.
So we'll meet tonight?
Without a doubt.
Thanks Tractorr.
When can we leave?
In the morning.
You couldn't understand because you don't have feelings,
but I should be happy to go back home.
Gamma calling Beta, attention Beta.
Repairs complete, fuel being generated in the auxillary tanks.
Load the men as soon as Beta returns.
I'll kidnap Laureano in the meantime.
Gamma calling Beta.
Beta, return to the ship or I'll have to punish you!
Beta! You...! It can't be!
Beta! Don't do it!
Don't condemn yourself Beta!
Torr, bring Beta.
No! No, I don't want to go!
Drinking human blood is the worst crime in the galaxies.
You know the punishment.
Beta shall be disintergrated before the morning.
I beg you for clemency.
The wellbeing of the universe comes before pity.
Obey Gamma.
The order shall be carried out.
Come back immediately.
What's this about? Why have you dragged me back like this?
I saw your crime and I informed the Council.
And what was decided?
You'll be disintergrated before morning.
You can't do that! We're like sisters...
You know I must obey.
Very well. I only ask one thing.
Do it right now.
Yes, don't prolong this the inevitable.
Thank you.
Let's go.
Yes, I'm ready.
Give me that, let go!
Now you will only obey me.
At last! I will make my ancestors dream a reality!
Vampire race, dwellers in the shadows, Uranites!
At last the blood of the earth shall be ours!
Males of the galaxy, listen to me!
You've been tricked! Gamma is leading you to death!
The men of Earth have already been chosen.
Thus you will die, since they can neither return you or let you live.
Then we shall die fighting!
Wait Uk, I don't want you to die.
I believe you. You could have just killed me now.
I too have been sentenced to death on Venus, and I don't want to die.
I want to save myself along with you.
How and why?
Because I need your help to dominate this weak, beautiful planet.
I want to set you free on the Earth!
Kill! Destroy! Make mankind go mad with terror!
And then, we shall dictate our conditions.
The entire planet shall be ours!
What do you say?
Uk, yes!
And you?
And you?
We'll trust and obey you.
I know you'll find the children to your liking.
And you? Women. Go!
The animals shall be yours. Go and kill them!
And you?
You and I know that human blood,
warm, acrid and flowing, fills us with life.
You are an admirable woman,
one worthy of being Princess of Mars.
Why not? You're intelligent and capable.
You're ugly. You lack the red beauty of the women of
Корабль чудовищ Корабль чудовищ

Читайте также:
- текст Звёздный путь 4: Путешествие домой на английском
- текст Вторжение на английском
- текст Банзай, режиссёр! на английском
- текст Без компромиссов на английском
- текст Слетая с катушек на английском

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