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a Comacho's like a cue ball?
Cos the harder you hit 'em,
the better their English gets.
You wanna play pool?
Save it, Brennan.
Book 'em.
Come on, come on. Talk to me.
What do you know about it?
- They got Vito and Eenie.
- Keep your eyes closed. Come on.
Ready? Now open.
- Happy birthday, Mama.
- I'm so glad you're here.
- Happy birthday, Molly.
- Molly!
Molly, come here. Come on!
I want you to pack me a bag for the lake.
- Come on! I'm in a hurry.
- But why?
Now move. Do what I tell you.
- Don't do it, Mama.
- Hey!
None of your lip today.
I cannot believe you. Nothing's changed.
Today's Mom's birthday.
She deserves better than this
and so do we.
Hey, Tony! Sorry I'm late.
Got stuck in traffic.
Picked up something nice.
Fuckin' Victor Comacho's alive.
Vito and Eenie are dead.
Jesus Christ! You pulled that hit?
- Don't go, Diana.
- I can't stay here, Grandma.
You put somebody on the house,
and you look after her.
You gone crazy? You're starting a war.
You're putting the outfit on the line.
- They'll probably try to starch your uncle.
- Keep your mouth shut!
What Mr Scalese don't know
won't hurt him.
Happy birthday.
Cragie, you're assigned
to headquarters until the hearing.
Who called for a hearing? That goddamn
little punk tried to shoot me in the back.
Sit down.
- Lucy Partida.
- That commie piece of shit?
Shut up, Cragie.
Partida's demanded a formal hearing.
You'll be under oath. The department
will provide you with a lawyer.
The citizens-review-board member
is waitin' to talk to you.
Doesn't sound like
you got anything to worry about.
Kopalas, you work with Cusack
until this is over.
Yes, sir.
That'll be all.
Thank you, sir.
- Where'd they take Dorato?
- County. He'll be OK.
Listen, I don't have time to nursemaid
a rookie. I don't need a partner.
That's right. You don't need a partner.
You need a goddamn keeper!
Jesus Christ!
How do I explain this one downtown?
We gave you 600 man-hours.
You took a month to plan it,
and what have you got to show for it?
Eight bodies, one dead informant, one
of my best men shot, for Christ's sake.
You'll have me back on the beat,
bustin' perverts in the park.
We've got a bigger problem.
This Luis Comacho's crazy.
He's not gonna take this lying down.
That's all I need. A goddamn war.
- What about this business with Cragie?
- You know what I think of Cragie.
All right, I'll deal with downtown.
You find out who burned
the Comachos before they do.
Eddie, you had a good setup.
Too bad it went to hell.
Los Comachos sabemos
quiйnes fueron, Luis.
Luis, a war does no good for any of us.
It can only make what's bad... worse.
Get them out of here and fix them up.
I want them beautiful for their mother.
My brothers, I promise you
blood for blood.
How you doin', sarge?
Йse es el policнa hijo de puta
que estб involucrado...
Hey! I'd like to talk to you.
One day I would like to give you a gift...
of a Colombian necktie.
Very special. You slit the throat,
pull out the tongue,
and on you... it would look beautiful.
Why don't you give it to me right now?
Come. We're running late.
Hey, Eddie, you'd better grow
eyes in the back of your head.
Come on. Good shot again, Eddie.
Keep going. Keep it up.
Good combination. Come on, Eddie.
Come on, again.
Come on, he's running.
Shit! Oh, man.
Out of my way, you side of beef.
Hey, partner!
I'm all right, man.
- How's the foot?
- Swinging. Listen to this.
We open up a beef-and-sausage stand
just outside of Wrigley Field.
You dish out the beef, I take in the cash.
Free games.
I happen to have a contact downtown.
How are we gonna watch the games
if we're hawkin' hot dogs?
I never thought of that.
Davis, I want a word with you, man.
Amano, when you're through
playing with that, I wanna talk to you.
Dooey, I want you to help me get some
signatures on this petition for Cragie.
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Читайте также:
- текст Женя, Женечка и Катюша на английском
- текст Американский ниндзя 2: Столкновение на английском
- текст Азирис Нуна на английском
- текст Вспомнить всё на английском
- текст Манекен на английском

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