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Are you an angel from above?
Angel? Angel?
- Vanya!
- Katya!
Katya! I am now…
I know, Ivanushka. I know everything.
You've read the book to the end.
Must be true that what's destined to happen
cannot be avoided.
I'm the Master!
There is no one better than me now!
You don't need it!
So that's what you're like,
Alatyr Stone!
- Ivan! Let's get out of here!
- Going far?
Oh, how you are! Just like me.
Just like you?
I wonder why would that be?
When you're not my mother!
Mirror must have given it away!
No matter. I don't have time for it right now.
Ivanushka, don't be scared!
You're a man! Why
are you hiding behind a girl's skirt?
I'm not hiding.
- What do you want?
- Answer me.
- Do you love Katerina?
- I love her!
More than my own life!
Don't exaggerate.
Just "I love" will quite suffice.
As Katya's guardian
I have nothing against it.
Go ahead and get married, if you wish.
- So you're letting us go?
- Yes!
But! On one condition!
I won't let Katya marry just anyone.
Prove that you are a real Master.
Bring to life Alatyr.
Don't agree to it, Ivan!
She will deceive you,
and you will destroy the whole world!
Katya! Katya!
Why are you being so?
If he brings Alatyr to life,
I'll be so busy
that I won't have time to get in your way!
And if he can't bring it to life?
Then what's the value in him? Simply a waste.
I agree!
And I will…
break it!
- No!
- No!
Alright. Have it your way.
But know this, Ivan,
if you don't bring Alatyr to life,
then you'll never see your Katerina.
Defend yourself.
I'm a warrior, not a murderer.
She's mine!
I ask you, Yangul!
Please! Don't kill him!
I had promised to fulfill your request.
Will you come with me?
You were supposed to bring them here!
Do you hear? Here!
Why did you not do it?
I do not need a slave.
I need a wife.
What does the girl have to do with it?
I need him! The Master!
He can bring Alatyr to life.
Do you know, brainless Yangul,
what's going to happen then?!
Grass will wither and die,
rivers will dry up!
The Earth will become stone and cold!
And there will be night,
neverending night!
And I will rule across the Earth!
- Let's go.
- Wait.
Ivan, give me the Alatyr.
You don't need it.
It will bring tragedy.
I don't care about tragedy.
If I bring Alatyr to life,
then you and I will be together.
And everyone will know that there is
no greater stone master on Earth than me.
You didn't want to do it the nice way, Katya,
so we'll have to do it the evil way.
Bring the stone to life, Master,
and Katya will be yours!
"And so Ivan began to work.
To bring the Alatyr Stone to life.
He didn't listen to Katya.
And he didn't notice
that the more alive Alatyr became,
the more dark it became outside.
The greater power of the Stone Princess
over the world became."
Katya, it's me! I have come for you!
- Too late, Master.
- Katya, what's with you?
Well, you have brought Alatyr to life, Master.
Now I will remain a witch forever.
And the Stone Princess will take away
your life. You shouldn't have believed her.
Goodbye forever, Ivanushka.
Kuzma! Listen, I'm asking you like a friend!
Make me a sword
that can cut through stone!
I can. In how many days?
In 5 minutes.
Right away.
Bring me the Alatyr!
Kill Ivan!
Only I'm not sure,
if it can cut through stone.
We'll check that right now.
Run, Ivan, I'll hold them off!
No-o-o! Go!
Do I have to say the magic word?
"Ivanushka completely lost his head,
when he realized
that Ardars have taken the stone.
He rushed to the well thinking:
'I'll defeat the Stone Princess,
destroy the stone.
I'll free Katya from the spell.'"
The well didn't let me go through.
It's alright.
We'll go a different way!
It's alive! The Alatyr!
Why am I not feeling anything?
Can it be that it's all in vain?
So that's what it is.
Go straight! Into the Neverending Forest!
Книга мастеров Книга мастеров

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