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is truly no more.
Go ahead and cry...
Stop crying!
Stand up!
If you don't come with us,
I shall never stand up.
Why don't you come with me?
Forget them!
Being a warrior is behind you now!
What if I really wished to go?
Don't leave me! Don't!
Then come with me!
Let's go!
Are you looking for the General?
He is not here.
He's gone.
Kun Lun! Wait!
Find him and make sure he is safe.
I'll wait for him here.
Please enter.
I knew I could make you come back.
Such beautiful clothes you have!
Did Qing Cheng make them herself?
I was told that the Great
General Guang Ming,
was happily living with a woman,
without his armor and in domestic bliss.
Am I right?
Arrest the assassin!
The Crimson Armor, My Lord.
Thank you, Ye Li.
You are an imposter!
You think I don't know your secret?
Qing Cheng!
Qing Cheng!
What a perfect pair...
Pity you are in love with the wrong man.
Do you think I took you to see her,
just so that you can break her heart?
She is waiting for you,
You know where to find her.
Yes I do... She is in Wuhuan's cage.
We have to work together with snow wolf now.
We must kill Wu Huan and
rescue Qing Cheng.
I have no appetite to fight.
I have lost to Wu Huan.
He has waited,
then taken away my only happiness.
You should kill me...
the way you would kill a defeated soldier
who refuses to die.
Have you forgotten?
You are the mighty general who wiped out
20,000 invaders with 3,000 soldiers!
The Great General Guang Ming is finished...
Where is the Crimson Armor?
What do you want with it?
You are no longer worthy of being its master.
I am going to put on the armor
and confess my true identity to Qing Cheng.
This has been my heart's dearest desire...
You will find the armor in Wuhuan's sanctuary.
Go and get it yourself!
At my trial tomorrow
I shall have a chance to see Qing Cheng again.
I shall wait for her here.
It's been a while,
my old friend.
Give me the armor!
I imagine you have come on behalf of
your countryman, the young slave.
You will have to forgive me,
I cannot give it to you.
It now belongs to me.
Not because of any of this god-of-war nonsense,
but because it's a symbol of my power!
Give it to me!
Anyone can take anything from anybody,
as long as they are cunning enough.
Unfortunately... you are not.
Give me back my cloak!
I have found someone
far more satisfying to command.
I gave you life to
bring about Guang Ming's death.
Now that he is in my hands,
I have no more use for you.
Give me the cloak!
Out you come, you coward!
Otherwise hurry up and run.
It's over.
All I need to do is give this a little tug.
It's your choice.
Let Snow Wolf go and give me the armor...
or die...
Need you ask?
Of course you may have it...
Snow Wolf,return my cloak,
and I'll let your friend leave with the armor.
Otherwise... I shall have to kill you both.
Once, you betrayed your own people,
And now you are betraying me,
your benefactor, who saved your life.
A traitor is always a traitor.
If you are no longer willing to kill for me,
you should return the cloak.
Give me back the cloak!
I'll kill you!
My Lord!
Let go!
Let go of me!
Listen to me!
Let go of me!
Listen to me!
You have not answered...
The armor, or the cloak Snow Wolf?
I told you once that
the day Wu Huan came and
massacred our people,
I did not wrong anyone,
nor did I betray anyone....
But now I realize I was mistaken.
I have wronged somebody,
and betrayed somebody...
I have to thank Wu Huan,
for showing me the futility of
a life without honor.
It makes me realize,
that death is not
as terrifying as I had imagined.
This is for you, my friend.
Go and prove to Qing Cheng
that you are the one she should love.
Snow Wolf!
You are free to go, Kun Lun.
But you must stay within the City walls.
Kun Lun, you are here!
Quickly, go and save the General!
I cannot do that now.
Then he will die tomorrow!
If you tell the court it was I
Клятва Клятва

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- текст Бег на английском
- текст Книга мастеров на английском
- текст Груз-200 на английском

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