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Клуб Парадиз

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promised these people a floorshow.
These are good songs.
They love these songs.
Anyone hear these songs,
don't want to hear these songs anymore.
And plus, I can't wear
all these Babylon clothes...
- And smiling for all these people.
- Do you think I like wearing these clothes?
Do you think I like
looking like a Hawaiian pimp?
You know, I knew another proud,
young, black man like yourself once.
And I gave him some advice, too.
I told him, "Wear one glove.
"Just one glove." The rest was history.
- And who was that?
- Willie Mays. Come on.
You wear these clothes,
you sing these songs...
and I guarantee I'll have you
back in center field.
I don't know what that center field is,
but I tell you...
I'll do it just once.
And then I'm going to burn these clothes.
Aye, Reed, man. Aye, Reed.
That hair is a downright,
everlasting disgrace.
Now, I've been working
in better hotels than this for 25 years.
- Who hasn't?
- And I never had hair like that...
into my kitchen, yet. It is unsanitary.
I don't know why he must have all that
boogooyaga hair on him head at all.
He better cut it off or go.
It's all right. You're right.
It's very, very boogooyaga.
I'll talk to him, and I'll work this thing out.
Tree, what's happening?
Oh, no, thanks.
Last time I smoked that stuff,
they found me on top of the Sears Tower...
trying to build a nest.
Now, I love your hair, man.
It's natural hair, and you're a natural man.
But I'm getting a lot of flak
from the Health Department.
And even I'm a little uncomfortable
with the possibility...
of one of the guests picking
a 5-foot hair out of their tuna salad.
You dig where I'm coming from?
Yeah, man, I dig where you're
coming from, but I can't cut my hair, man.
You can't cut your hair.
I know how we can work this one out.
Come with me.
Portia, I'd like you to meet
your new assistant cook.
Everybody say hello to Hat.
- Passable.
- Watch out for those fans, baby.
Sol, the boys are back.
Our ship has come in.
- Now we gotta deliver.
- It's that fireman.
I have used every legal means
at my disposal...
and still they will not be moved.
Sol, don't go legal on me now.
We need this. There must be some way
to get to this guy.
Taking up the game, Mr. Zerbe?
It's a pain in the ass. Get rid of the horses,
you'd have a good game.
Let's roll, Noel. Listen, can we talk?
At last, a bribe.
It's about your friend
Jack what's-his-name and that club.
You should really talk to him.
I'd hate to see anybody get hurt.
How very thoughtful.
I'm just trying to do
what's best for everybody.
Too kind.
There, that's the way this game
should be played.
I can't tell you the feeling
of flying through those trees.
I have never felt more alive
in my entire life.
Isn't it great, Randy? Lsn't it fantastic?
I don't know.
Well, I thought it was.
Wasn't today fun?
Didn't you have any fun?
I found a shell.
Randy, you may have to try
just a little bit harder.
Tomorrow Helmut and Christopher
are giving me cliff-diving lessons.
Won't you try it just at least once?
Nothing could be more fun than jumping
off a cliff with two German bisexuals.
- What?
- Nothing.
The shower better work now.
I don't believe it.
- Mrs. White, how do you do it?
- Easy.
How was that shower?
- Brutal.
- Really?
I'd say there's about a foot of water
in our room.
When it rains, it pours. Have a nice night.
Look, why don't you come
and tell me what the problem is.
- Nice resort.
- Nice pants.
The '60s are over, pal.
Your Excellency.
You are looking elegant this evening.
Why are we graced
with your imperial presence?
The fact is, one can smell the suntan oil...
and the frying female flesh
right across the island.
I was curious to see what was going on...
at this perverted passion pit
you're running here.
This orgy bin, this... Whatever you call
this drug-crazed nipple ranch.
I take it you're looking
for a little female companionship.
Клуб Парадиз Клуб Парадиз

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- текст Хищник на английском
- текст Самолётом, поездом и автомобилем на английском
- текст Отец и сын на английском
- текст Повелители вселенной на английском
- текст Чёрный квадрат на английском

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