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She's dead. Slept, slept, and...
You, hooligans! Dead? She's just asleep.
She knows how to take a rest. I envy her.
No breathing, no warming herself.
Why should one waste energy?
Body temperature is equal to air temperature.
Body temperture is greater than air temperature.
It's 8 PM sharp.
Time to sleep.
Breathe calmly, breathe calmly...
Let's sleep for two minutes, then...
We are calm. We feel nice.
That's good.
How would one manage without decent sleep?
Fall asleep. Everybody fall asleep.KOAPP
When I Was Little
Oh, what a wonderful recreation centre.
We are terns, relatives of seagulls. Is it right, dear?
I hope you will find something for us.
At least one unoccupied number.
Sure. Settle in.
There, please. That's number with a shower.
Now we're gonna clean feathers.
Check if we haven't forgotten anything.
You know, I like to travel easy, but with comfort.
So...feather for arctic regions.
How tired I am!
it's time to take care of dinner.
Thank you, dear.
It's time to get going.
Our kids will be arriving here. Tell them we departed to arctic regions.
Your kids?
Where are they?
They fell behind.
Kinds have gone lost! Kids have fallen behind!
How horrible! Kids are lost!
That's no surprise. Such parents...
Let's swim searching for kids.
That way!
Kids are lost! Kids are lost!
Oh, my baby armadillos, why have you left me...
One, two, three...
one, two, three...kids!
one, two, three...lost the count.
One, two, three, four...oh!
One, two, three...
First, second, third, fourth, no, first...
Excuse me, first one or second one?
They're all alike.
So alike, I'm losing my mind.
One, two, three...
Listen, mommy, are they completely...
Absolutely. Kids! Count by numbers!
First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth.
All mine are here.
How do you distinguish them?
Listen to my command!
On count of one dig for roots.
On count of two eat roots.
On count of three roll up into ball.
Oh, that's a mother! Stern...just like mine.
Where is my mommy?
Little, defenceless terns...nobody knows where they are.
I won't let you [out].
I won't let you and that's final.
If you don't let me, I'll come out myself.
Do you hear? She's not letting him.
Will I be sitting in your bag until my old age comes?
It's tight in this stuffy sack.
Let go of child that's not yours!
I'm no kid anymore, I'm eight months old.
I am completely of age.
Excuse us.
That was a mistake.
There is no mistake. This is my child. Beautiful.
Oh, how tiny he was. He weighed five grams.
Now he just looks big. But he's not reasonable yet.
All my contemporaries jump around by themselves? Am I worse than them?
Come here. Come. Sit in my bag. It's warm and cosy in there.
Save me! Save me!
Yea, I remember my childhood...
Me too.
We were granted freedom...
...poor or not poor, especially mom...
Excuse me, have you seen kids?
But have you seen parents?
Our parents. Mom is so beautiful and dad has a suitcase.
Mommy forgot her sunday's clothes, it will be hard for her without them.
It's them! Birds!
They don't look like their parents at all!
They see them rarely.
Hey, we could give you a lift.
No need to. We'll manage by ourselves.
We are completely self dependant and fly by ourselves for a long time already.
That way! They flew that way!
Charming kinds...
That's some upbringing...
Self-dependence in first place.KOAPP
The Fastest Help Of All
What, what?
Kids are sick? Terrible!
Feebleness? Fatigue? Weakness?
We're on our way!
Badger-kids have fallen ill. They have to be saved immediately!
Well, are we now...amublance.
We're too late!
We didn't make it in time!
Weak badger-kids are no more...
How come?
Have you been cured?
All by yourselves?
We had our sleep in the sun....
and amassed ultraviolet rays...
Oh well...there is no one to help.

Читайте также:
- текст Папа на английском
- текст Трудно быть богом на английском
- текст Ганг Хо на английском
- текст Спаун на английском
- текст Дом на Трубной на английском

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