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Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

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chased them aII over the paIace!
And, suddenIy, the demons vanished!
They were there, we don't deny it.
But they seIf-destructed.
PIease, stop this ridicuIous panic!
Who are you?
I'm Theophanes, a cIerk
at the foreign office.
AII right, Fedya.
You may stay here.
The rest, pIease, Ieave the tsar's
office. In other words, out!
Bark at them!
Have mercy, Sire!
Stop your somersauIts! You did it
once, you did it twice. It's enough.
What's the matter with you, Sire?
Have you taken iII?
Don't sit Iike a dummy!
I can't work here aII aIone!
I've got a toothache.
He's got periostitis, a gumboiI.
- And you stop pestering the tsar!
- Yes, sir.
Fedya, enough ofyour bowing! Are
you going to faII Iike that aII night?
- Nice to meet You.
- Don't be angry, Boyar...
but I don't recognize you.
Are you a prince?
Me? WeII, I might be.
What so strange about it?
How do you happen to be in the tsar's
quarters? You weren't here before.
- Oh, Sire, who is he?
- He's a friend ofAnton Shpak's.
What a fooI!
The tsar says that I'm Prince
MiIosIavsky. Are you satisfied?
- Oh my! Stay away!
- What's the matter? What is it?
- You've been executed!
- That's news to me!
By the tsar's order, you were hanged
on your own gate three days ago.
WeII, thanks!
I was hanged by your order.
HeIp me out, or we'II screw it.
Why don't you say something, bastard?
Oh, now I remember!
It was not I who was hanged.
What was his first name, the one
whom they hanged?
- Vanka the Robber.
- You see? And I'm George.
That bandit was just my namesake.
Am I right?
Am I right?
Why are they shouting there?
Fedya, go and find out.
Yes, sir.
The tsar!
The tsar!
Go! Go! Score! Score!
The common peopIe wish to see their
tsar who was saved. They're rejoicing.
Oh, no, it's out ofthe question.
We have no time for that.
We'II rejoice Iater.
They have to be sent away at once,
StiII wouIdn't say anything, damn him!
- Fedya, I hope there's no war going?
- Of course, there is, my benefactor.
The Swedes are biting us, the Khan of
Crimea pIays nasty on Izyum Road.
- You don't say!
- Yes.
- Why do You Let them?
- Have mercy, Sire!
Get up, Fyodor.
I don't bIame you...
Sit down.
Write down the tsar's edict.
I order
to send an army
to Izyum Road
and rout the Khan of Crimea.
- Period.
- Period.
Sign it, our great tsar.
I have no right to sign
historic documents.
No, I have no right to sign...
Acting for the tsar, I. Bunsha.
Here, Fedya.
And teII them
not to hurry back.
TeII them to capture Kazan on their
way back, not to go there twice.
How come? Kazan is ours.
We've taken it Iong ago.
- ReaIIy?
- Sure.
You were too hasty to do it.
AII right, aII right, then.
Since it's aIready taken, Iet it be.
Why give it back?
WeII, go!
And in five minutes I don't want to
see either hide or hair ofthem here!
Mount your horses!
Start a song!
EarIy in the spring,
By a fir-tree aII green,
Vanyusha's bidding fareweII to his
CIad in a shirt of maiI,
He's saying to his gaI:
"Don't cry, Marusya, don't cry,
my dove."
Marusya says nothing, onIy weeps,
Her sorrow
HoIds her heart in grips.
Drop, drop, drop! Marusya's eyes,
so dear,
Drop the tears right onto his spear.
Drop, drop, drop! Marusya's eyes,
so dear,
Drop a sea oftears,
Right onto his spear.
In winter, coId "n' severe,
Again under the fir-tree,
Vanyusha's being greeted by his Iove.
CIad in a shirt of maiI,
He's saying to his gaI:
"I've come to you, I'm back, my dove."
Marusya is so happy, she weeps,
Like a psaItery,
HerjoyfuI heartjust sweeps.
Drop, drop, drop! Marusya's eyes,
so dear,
Drop the tears right onto his spear.
Drop, drop, drop! Marusya's eyes,
so dear,
drop so sweet a tear...
Drop, drop
Right onto his spear.
Drop, drop, drop!
Marusya is so happy, she weeps
Like a psaItery,
HerjoyfuI heartjust sweeps.
WeII, we got things going!
Why doesn't the inventor turn
Иван Васильевич меняет профессию Иван Васильевич меняет профессию

Читайте также:
- текст Отряд Дельта 2 на английском
- текст Хлеб, золото, наган на английском
- текст Столкновение на английском
- текст Волкодав из рода Серых Псов на английском
- текст Увлечения на английском

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