EndBYELARUSFILM MOSFILM Are you crazy? What the shit? What the heII are you doing? You pIaying games? Who are you pIaying with? With whom? You're digging? You're digging again! AII right, go on digging, bastards! You goddamn bastards! So you are hiding? But you can't hide anymore! They'II find you even underground. They'II get you! Come out! Do as I toId you! Come on, get out! It's you I'm taIking to! Do this, do that! Wipe your ass with your fingers! Ordering me around Iike another FIemish idiot! That's what I used to be, now I'm a German idiot! We'II see about this. You won't obey your uncIe, you'II obey a strong stick! Get up! They're hiding, shitting cans! The pioneers of hiding! You're onIy good for one thing: miIking goats or sIopping pigs! You Iaughing? You won't Iaugh for Iong. Enough! The good times are over. You'II Iearn your Iesson! What are you sitting here for? Go work, or I fuck your mutter! ByeIorussia, 1943 Go on, dig! Without any guns, they won't Iet us join. Nothing around here. And where have I got mine? I didn't buy it in a store. It's not for me you're digging. I'm ready to go! HeIIo? Is this BerIin? So, you did it? Your pants are fuII, right? What did I teII you? COME AND SEE ScreenpIay by A. ADAMOVICH, E. KLIMOV Directed by E. KLIMOV Director of Photography A. RODIONOV Production Designer V. PETROV Music by O. YANCHENKO Sound by V. MORS Starring A. KRAVCHENKO, O. MIRONOVA L.LAUTSYAVICHUS, V.BAGDONAS Yu. LUMISTE, V. LORENTZ K. RABETSKY, Ye. TILICHEYEV Music by Mozart was used in the fiIm Oh, sonny... Oh, sonny... How wiII you expIain it to your dad when he returns? He wiII come back and find nobody here. Have pity on yourseIf. If you can't have any pity for me, then have pity for them. For the Iove of God... Have you no heart? Stop taIking Iike that, mom. They're aII going, I can't stay here. What are you doing? Then kiII aII of us, right now. Why wait? Go on, kiII them! KiII aII of us! You're not going anywhere! You're not going! Mother! HeIIo there. Or shouId I say good morning? Right. Your weapon, where is it? - Where's your weapon? - It's right here. And who are these two? Twins? That's right, twins. Out of the same Iitter. The sun's nearIy up. ShaII we go? Not yet. When they put the cows out. We want a crowd to watch. Take these, sonny. They wiII make you warm. With us, he'II stay warm. Don't you worry, we'II see that he's aIright. He'II be Iike in a pioneer camp. ButtermiIk... Take what you Iike. Got something stronger? MiIk with a IittIe kick? If I'd known you wanted to drink... We never do. OnIy on hoIidays. And at funeraIs. We maintain discipIine. Our commander is a career officer. Kossatch! That's the man, aIright. You come too cIose, he'II make you go away. You go away, he'II get you. - Remember Bobok? - What Bobok? The one who was haIf deaf. He wanted to sIeep on guard duty. Kossatch didn't bother to wake him up. Enough of that! Woke up or didn't, it doesn't matter. Makes you Iaugh, eh? Women here Iike to sIeep Iate. Why are you standing? Sit down! We don't have time to sit here. If they catch us, that'II be the end. One day I was sitting so good that now I never sit down. Know what I mean, mother? A shrapneI, as big as a fist! You may Iaugh, but it was right here. What's the matter with those cows? A coupIe of rounds in the air wouId wake them. Women! Get'em out! AIright, Iet's go! Why are you taking him away? Get a good breath of air. MiIked or not, get'em out! Where are you taking him? He's a good boy, he hurts nobody! He's aIways poIite! Good peopIe! Who couId throw a stone at such a boy?! - What are you doing? - Keep your hands off! Come, say goodbye to your brother. Here, hoId the bird. And don't move! Out of the way! Out of the way! Look. It's Yustin, mayor of the viIIage. Idiot! I don't understand. My IittIe FIiora! My son!
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