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Главная / Гран Торино

Гран Торино

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have no chance.
What do you do?
Think time is over.
Now is the time in which acorns
I know that you do not want to hear
but now it is time to remain calm.
Wil you that I remain quiet?
Keep quiet or else
mistakes are made.
We must take this same distance.
No. Let me fall, Walt.
Not you.
This will stop today!
Sit down.
I do not want to sit.
- I said, 'Sit down'.
Listen to me.
We need this plan.
And very careful plans.
We can not make mistakes.
You have the right man for the job.
I want you to go home, remain calm
at 4 o'clock this afternoon and return.
What should happen, will happen.
- I say that we are going. Now!
And then what? Those of you nephew murder
and the rest of the zeros?
Mr Stoere, out for blood.
You know nothing of.
Now go home and ...
stay calm and come here
four hours back. Good?
I know. Do me a favor, please.
The first time I smoke in the house.
Let the man enjoy the same,
wants you, girl?
Ten U.S. dollars.
I suspect that
bibber using your hands enough
for a smooth shave to give?
- A smooth shave?
You've never
for a smooth shave requested.
I know, but I got you
always wondered how that is.
Unless you're too busy.
- No, let me warm up a towel.
And here's twenty.
Keep the change
in case you touched my neck vein.
Yes, it takes me an hour.
We need this here a little shorter.
We must make the appropriate shoulder.
Yes, I have never
one-styled suit had.
Yes, sir.
It looks very good.
What can I do for you, Mr.. Kowalski?
- I am here to confess.
Oh, what have you done?
- No, you do now but easy.
What are you planning?
- Do you take me to confess, or not?
How long ago is that you
last gebiecht have?
Bless me, Reverend, for my sins.
- What are your sins, my son?
In 1968, I kissed Betty Jablonski
Christmas at the factory.
Dorothy was in another room
with the other women.
It just happened.
Yes, go on.
I have nine hundred dollars margins
by a boat and engine sales.
I have no tax paid
and that is the same as a steal.
Yes, good.
Finally ...
I was never very close with my two sons.
I do not know them.
I do not know how.
Was that it?
- That was it.
It was my entire life like.
Say ten 'Weesgegroetjes'
and five "Our Fathers."
God loves you and forgive you
And relieved you of your sins.
In the name of the Father,
the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you, Pastor.
Will you ever take revenge
what has happened with Sue?
I go to that house today, Mr. Kowalski.
Is that so?
- That is so.
And every day until you see
that stupid is what you're planning.
Busy day, I gotta go.
- Go in peace.
Oh, I am peace.
Mighty God!
What is mine?
Have you ever shot with a gun?
- No.
I want you in it.
I have something I
you want to show, come on.
In 1952, we were sent out
Chink-a strong point to overcome.
They had us nice suits.
I was the only one who came back that day.
This gave me a silver star.
Here it is.
Here, I want you to have it.
We all knew the danger that night
but we went anyway.
Thus it can also go tonight.
There is always a chance that you do not come back.
- The dead Thursday not.
We are going to go in there
and let them smell a poopy.
Yes, that would be stupid.
That is exactly the reaction they wait.
Come on, quit this.
How many?
- How much what?
How many men have you killed in Korea?
Thirteen, maybe more.
- How was it to kill a man?
That is you do not know.
Make it up.
Walt! Walt!
What are you doing?
What are you doing?
Calm down, because you can not.
- Let me now!
Let me out! Son of a bitch, let me out.
I kill you if I'm out!
Shut up!
Want to know how it is
to kill a man?
Well, it's horrible, it is.
The only thing worse is that you have a medal
courage to get, because you kill a poor boy,
who had just given.
That's all.
Yes, as a frightened gook, just like you.
I shot him right in his face with that gun
you just have
Гран Торино Гран Торино

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