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Гостья из будущего

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just a sick girl.
They told me you were crazy.
Why are you standing here?
They might be torturing Kolya now.
Children, go away
with your war games.
I just went to bed
and heard about torturing and stuff.
are not a proper place for such
There are special
places for that.
We're not playing.
Don't argue. Let's go.
Wait. Where are we gonna find
The worst thing
I saw him running to the entrance,
and he never went out.
How do you know
that he didn't come out?
There was a man in the street,
he was reading a book and he told
Maybe he was carried away with the
book. Did you notice what book he
was reading?
- It was a cook book.
- He could've been carried away
Of course, if he didn't have dinner.
Let's go.
There are two uestions
on the agenda.
Why two?
Question number one:
how to save Kolya?
Question number two:
how to find and return Mielophone.
Do you have something to say,
ladies and gentlemen?
Or you want me to speak?
Nobody chose you as a chairman.
At the most critical moment,
the cleverest one takes the helm.
Or the ship would sink.
I give floor to Alice.
I have told you, the pirates
ran into the house and never left it.
You think the pirates
are in that gray house?
We have to search that gray house.
There are at least
20 flats in each entrance.
So what? I think the pirates
are in the loft.
- Why do you think so?
- I just feel it.
Girls, I worry so much,
that I think I'm gonna scare to death!
I wish I didn't know about it.
Go home then.
You're worthless anyway.
Borya, stop it!
And you, Albina, too.
I just wanted to say
that because of it I got very hungry.
I'm even hungry during the tests.
Okay, let's search the flats.
Wait! We can't solve one problem
without solving the other.
I think Kolya is being torturing now.
Stop saying that.
Nobody's torturing him.
Last time I saw Mielophone
in Kolya's closet.
There's a chance
that it's still there.
If they torture Kolya,
he might confess.
Pirates will come to his house,
I can't imagine what it's gonna
He will not confess, I know him.
We've got to take that device
but first we need to save Kolya
and then we'll take the device.
What do you think?
You think if I came here to
take the device, I will go for it now?
And I will leave Kolya in troubles?
Alice, don't worry,
we can do that without your help.
We understand the situation.
I agree with you.
First we need to find Kolya.
Mielophone can wait.
That's right. Let's go then.
Maybe we can do both.
- Does Kolya's mother trust you?
- Of course, even more than she
trusts him.
All mothers and grandmothers
think I'm positive,
because I have good appetite.
Then we're going to check that
house and you go to Kolya's flat.
And think out something, so Kolya's
mother would let you take
And then go to us.
- I like it.
- Fima, do you need guard?
Actually I can do it alone.
Okay, give me your guard.
Guys, who wants to guard Fima?
I repeat, who wants to guard
Mielophone which can be a reason
of the space war?
If you put it that way, I'll go.
Fima can confuse something.
Sadovskiy, no criticism, please.
- You're my guard and nothing
- Understood.
Okay, let's go.
Sadovskiy, follow me!
No, it hasn't been open since winter.
Fima felt it.
We shouldn't have trusted him.
I knew we wouldn't find anything
here, except this rusty lock.
Where's Kolya?
He disappeared again.
My dinner is getting cold.
We're repairing a bike.
What bike?
He never repaired bikes.
We have an assignment from school.
You should understand, that in our
age everyone must know how to
repair a bike.
What do you need?
Do you know a box in the closet?
Where he keeps his junk
which I'm going to throw away?
That's right. There is a tester
for electricity supply network.
Kolya asked me to bring it. May I?
You wouldn't let him go back.
Go, look for it.
Hmm, where did he hide it?
Гостья из будущего Гостья из будущего

Читайте также:
- текст Ночь страха на английском
- текст Сталкер на английском
- текст Вельд на английском
- текст Алиса здесь больше не живет на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 9 на английском

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