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Фламандская доска

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killed her, you bastard!
You killed her!
[ Screaming ]
Get her off me!
Get her off me! Help!
[ Screaming ]
- [ Grunting ]
- [ Continues Screaming ]
All right!
[ Sobbing ]
I didn't do it!
I couldn't kill Menchu.
I was in love with her.
Oh, cut the bullshit!
Well, I liked her.
A lot!
[ Chuckles ]
Then who killed her?
That's it.
Yeah, she could've done it.
I always thought she
killed the old man anyway.
She had the pills.
That's a hell
of a story, Max,
but your wife has an alibi.
Come on.
[ Whimpering ]
No, I'm innocent.
[ Door Closes ]
It wasn't me!
It wasn't me!
You've gotta believe me!
I believe him.
I think Lola did it.
Well, we're still
checking out her alibi,
but it sounded pretty good.
I saw her.
Just before
we found Menchu.
I caught a glimpse
of her car
outside my building.
A black Citroen.
- Did you actually
see her in it?
- No. I told you--
- Did you happen to see
a license plate?
- No.
Then go home...
and get a good night's sleep.
It's not Max, it's Lola.
I don't care
what that inspector says.
Who's Lola?
Lola's the black queen.
Why should she
make all the moves?
- You say I'm
the white queen, right?
- No doubt about it.
Well, okay, smart-ass,
tell me what white
does next.
Set a trap
for the black queen.
Attack her castle.
[ Brakes Squealing,
Car Engine Shuts Off ]
[ Whispers ]
Let me have the gun.
No. Shh.
It's open.
Come on.
Max? Is that you?
[ Footsteps Descending Stairs ]
[ Domenec Whispers ]
That's Lola?
She's the black queen?
[ Gun Cocks ]
[ Lola ]
Who's there?
I know
somebody's there!
[ Julia Whispers ]
Look! It's the painting!
[ Muffled Banging ]
[ Dogs Barking ]
[ Footsteps Approaching ]
[ Metallic Squeak ]
- [ Gasps ]
- [ Gagging ]
[ Gasps ]
[ Cesar ]
Black queen
takes white castle.
Your move, princess.
It was you.
That's me, princess.
The old queen
with the black heart.
What have you done?
Only what had
to be done, darling.
You killed Alvaro?
He would have
ruined you.
[ Whimpering ]
I did it for you.
And your own brother,
Don Manuel?
He deserved to die
years ago.
[ Sobbing, Whimpering ]
Anyway, that was for you.
And you killed Menchu
for me too?
That was for me?
That was an accident.
But a very lucky one.
She was about to set fire
to your life.
You're out of your mind!
And Lola.
What about her?
I didn't really
have anything against her.
But that's for you too.
What are you gonna
do for me next?
Kill Domenec?
Kill me?
[ Laughing ]
No, my dearest child.
I'm going to kill me.
Well, go ahead!
Do it! Good riddance!
Cesar, don't!
Why not?
You hate me now,
don't you, darling?
With every fiber
of my being.
You'd never forgive Cesar now,
would you?
- Never.
- Then why don'tyoudo it?
Don't tempt me.
[ Whimpering, Sobbing ]
Stand up straight,
raise the gun,
point it right here.
Don't do this to me!
Do as you're told!
Stop it!
Don't speak to me like that!
I'll speak to you
any way I please!
Now do it!
[ Screams ]
[ Groans ]
- [ Screams ]
- [ Groans ]
[ Julia ]
[ lnspector ]
He was dying, you know.
I should have known.
In a way,
that's why he did this.
He knew
he was going to die,
and he wanted to be sure
that you would be provided for
after he was gone.
What's he
talking about?
The painting's hers now.
Mine? The painting
didn't belong to Cesar.
That's the irony.
It did.
He was the last
of the Belmonte line.
After the old man and Lola,
he was next in succession...
and he left everything to you--
the land, the castle--
She's rich!
Julia, you're rich!
What a horrible thing
to say!
Don't worry.
No one makes money here.
You've also inherited
all the debts
that go with the estate.
So she's not rich?
Poor as a church mouse.
Oh, well.
Easy come, easy go.
Poor Cesar.
[ Bell T olling ]
[ Montegrifo ]
"Quis Necavit Equitem."
"Who killed the knight?"
Фламандская доска Фламандская доска

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