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Филин и кошечка

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four minutes.
- I'm Eleanor.
- I see.
- Don't mean much to you?
- Not a great deal, no.
I don't think too much of you, either.
I mean, to be perfectly honest.
I don't even begin to figure
what she sees in you.
Eleanor, I certainly appreciate
your honesty.
I think you're a dump.
- A what?
- A dump.
- After how you treated her...
- Wait a minute.
After how I treated whom? Who is "her"?
- Doris.
- Doris?
I don't know any... Oh, Doris.
Now I get it. Doris.
Eleanor, you've got the wrong dump.
- That's what they all say.
- This time they're telling the truth.
You want Felix.
You're not Felix?
Downstairs. They said downstairs,
that Felix was up here.
Well, he is.
- That's Felix?
- Disappointing, isn't it?
- What, is he sleepin'?
- No, he's dead.
Come on.
No. He passed away
about two weeks ago...
...but the folks here at the store were so
fond of him, that we all got together...
...and we decided to have him stuffed.
- Hell of a good job, don't you think?
- Cut the crap.
Felix Sherman?
I think so.
- What have I done to deserve this?
- Not much, the way I heard it.
You're not...?
Are you...?
- I'm Eleanor.
- You're Eleanor.
- Barney, this is Eleanor.
- Don't touch me. I got a condition.
Where's Doris, Eleanor?
I got this message for you.
Doris does not want to see you again.
That's why I came instead.
She told me to tell you that
she doesn't want to talk to you again...
...or anything.
Even if you should see her on the streets...
...or in a store by accident,
including where she is right this minute...
...which is, having a ham sandwich...
...at Riker's, on the corner
of 6th Avenue and 57th Street.
Very good. You got it all out.
You ran all the way?
I was wondering...
- What were you going to say?
- No, you go ahead.
I was wondering
where you've been staying this past week.
Yeah? That's what I was going to ask you.
- Are you still at Barney's place?
- No, I've relocated temporarily.
Same here.
I'm staying with my friend Eleanor.
She's got this place down on 14th Street.
She seems agreeable.
Doris, I have something to say to you
and it concerns both of us.
If it's not...
Who was that?
You got me.
- She said "hello" to you.
- No, she didn't. She said, "woo-woo".
Are total strangers in the habit
of saying "woo-woo" to you?
- Not until tonight.
- Now look, Doris.
- You really look lousy. You know?
- I do?
Yeah, like you haven't been sleeping.
- Actually, I haven't been sleeping too well.
- Have you tried hot baths?
Yes, I have.
I find hot baths too enervating.
I made you laugh. That's one for me.
Doris, I want you to try and understand
what I'm going to say.
- I have struggled 31 years to establish...
- Is that how old you are, 31?
Yes. I have tried to establish...
...the supremacy of the intellect
over the physical side of life.
You're telling me that you ran all the way
to Riker's just to tell me that?
- I didn't run all the way. I jogged.
- You could have sent me a letter.
- I didn't know your address.
- You could have given it to Eleanor.
I wanted to see you again.
- I wanted to apologize for the other night.
- No, that was all my fault.
I shouldn't have been so mad.
I got this terrible temper.
You were perfectly justified.
I had no right in asking certain questions...
Sure you did. You're a writer, aren't you?
I mean writers gotta find out stuff.
And if you don't ask questions
how are you going to assimilate?
I said, "If you don't ask questions
how are you going to assimilate?"
Not bad?
You and Your Vocabulary.
- I got it at the corner apothecary.
- "The corner apothecary."
Pretty impeccable?
It's very impressive.
I try and learn... No, I try and assimilate
five new words a day.
In that way, I figure
soon I'll be able to talk as good as you.
- Wouldn't that be something?
- It would be wonderful.
It's always an advantage
to be able to express yourself clearly.
Филин и кошечка Филин и кошечка

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