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Главная / Дядя Ваня

Дядя Ваня

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of yours are not worth
one copper kopeck. You are a hoax!
Can't any one make him stop? I am going!
- I command you to stop this instant!
- Stop it!
I refuse!
Wait! I have not done yet!
You have wrecked my life.
I have never lived.
My best years have gone for nothing,
have been ruined, thanks to you.
You are my most bitter enemy!
I can't stand it; I can't stand it.
What earthly right have you to use
such language to me?
If this estate is yours, then take it,
and let me be ruined!
I am going away out of this hell this minute.
This is too much!
My life has been a failure.
I am clever and brave and strong.
If I had lived a normal life
I might have become another
Schopenhauer or Dostoievsky.
- Mother, I am in despair!
- Listen, Alexander!
Mother! What shall I do?
But no, don't speak!
I know what to do.
And you will understand me!
Tell me, what on earth is the matter?
Take this lunatic out of my sight!
I cannot possibly live under
the same roof with him.
Let him take himself off into the village
or I shall leave here at once.
I cannot stay in the same house with him.
We are leaving today; we must get
ready at once for our departure.
- What a perfectly dreadful man!
- Papa, you must be merciful to us.
Uncle Vanya and I are so unhappy!
Have pity on us.
Uncle Vanya has toiled without rest;
he would never spend a penny on us,
we sent it all to you.
I am not saying this as
I should like to,
but you must understand us.
For heaven's sake, Alexander, go
and have a talk with him-
- I beg you!
- Very well!
I am not angry with him.
- I shall go to him.
- Be gentle with him; try to quiet him.
- Nurse, oh, nurse!
- It's all right, they'll stop.
The devil take them!
Hold him! He has gone mad!
- Give it to me!
- Let me go! Where is he?
Ah, there he is!
I didn't get him?
I missed again?
Damnation! To hell with him!
Take me away!
I can't stay here.
I can't!
What shall I do?
Oh, nurse, nurse!
- Go away and leave me to myself!
-  Yes, yes.
I should have left a long time ago.
The doctor fears he may lay
violent hands on himself.
- Where is his pistol?
- I hid it in the cellar.
If you knew how ashamed I am!
- What can I do now?
- Nothing.
If only I could live the
rest of my life in some new way!
If I could only wake some still, bright
morning and feel that life had begun again,
that the past was forgotten
and had vanished like smoke.
Tell me,
tell me how to begin.
What nonsense! What sort of a new
life can you and I look forward to?
We can have no hope.
I may live to sixty; I still have thirteen
years before me; That's a lot!
- How shall I be able to endure life
for thirteen years?
- Stop it.
It may be that posterity,
which will despise us
for our blind and stupid lives
that we lived,
will find some road to happiness
but we - you and I ...
Yes, brother ...
there were only two respectable,
intelligent men in this county,
you and I.
Ten years or so of this life of ours,
this miserable life,
have sucked us under.
You took a little bottle of
morphine out of my medicine-case.
If you are positively determined
to make an end to yourself,
go into the woods and
shoot yourself there.
Give up the morphine, or there will be
a lot of talk and guesswork
I don't fancy having to perform
a post-mortem on you.
Do you think I should find it interesting?
Your uncle has stolen a bottle of morphine
out of my medicine-case and won't give it up.
Tell him that his behaviour is unwise.
I haven't time, I must be going.
Uncle Vanya, did you take the morphine?
Give it up! Why do you want to frighten us?
My misfortune is perhaps even
greater than yours
but I am not plunged in despair.
I endure my sorrow, and shall endure it
until my life comes to a natural end
You must endure yours, too.
Give it up! Dear, darling Uncle Vanya.
I am sure you will have pity
on us and give it up.
There it is!
We must get to work at once;
we must do something,
or else
Дядя Ваня Дядя Ваня

Читайте также:
- текст Тайна третьей планеты на английском
- текст Терминатор: Да придёт спаситель на английском
- текст Посредник на английском
- текст Духовные голоса на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Фильм на английском

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