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Чеховские мотивы

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I pay for a day
and they work two hours,
and I pay for a full working day.
Yes, yes, but I wanted
a serious talk.
Aren't I talking seriously?
But I wanted a serious talk
with you.
- Keep quiet!
- But I... listen to me!
Keep quiet when I'm talking!
I can say what I want and you be
quiet! You be quiet when I talk!
I say what I want.
Understand, sponger?
I earned money at your age.
You scoundrel, you know
how much you cost me?
Silence! I'll throw you out!
Throw you out!
You said study is sacred.
Keep quiet, too!
You eat, you drink,
and you want money on top!
Sew yourselves new
boots and uniforms!
- Buy tuxedos and sneakers!
- And velvet bath robes!
And all kind of lace underwear
which is so necessary for living.
And when you sew and buy all that
and when the money's finished,
when you're out of money,
when you don't have
a kopeck anymore,
then sell everything,
sell the cattle and eat it up,
and sell the house and eat it up,
and sell the land and eat it up.
And then go begging,
in the rain, under an umbrella,
or on the tram, or on the bus,
and tell the passengers you need
the money for an operation!
It's a magnetic storm.
Don't you see that I'm not used
to these scenes anymore?
I could stand those scenes
before, but now I can't!
Or that you're from a madhouse!
Silence! You're to blame for all this!
Magnetic storms play
on people's nerves.
You brought him up like this,
You brought them all up like this!
You brought him up like this!
He doesn't respect us. Doesn't
respect me. Doesn't respect you.
He doesn't earn money.
He doesn't pray,
he doesn't go to church!
He believes, he goes to church.
There're ten of you and one of me!
I'll drive you all out!
And where'll we go?
Get packed and be ready to go!
Your accusations
are revolting to me.
I want nothing from you!
I'd sooner die of starvation
than eat
one more of your potatoes!
- You hear? I want nothing!
- Wait... wait...
- I'd sooner die!
- Ballet... Beautiful... I love...
To love... To watch... Beautiful...
Here, take it, take back
your filthy money!
Ballet... Beautiful...
To watch... Ballet...
To watch... Beautiful...
When will you stop these performances?
Our family meals
are just an anachronism.
I tell you,
our family meals
are just an anachronism.
Petya, don't swear, please.
Varya, an A student!
is an empty form,
which has lost its content.
- You're so clever, Petya.
- But malicious, Petya, malicious.
It's easy for us to talk, but Father
works hard to get that money.
You should better buy Varya
a foreign dictionary, Mother.
- Oh yes, where is it?
- The dictionary? The blue thick one?
Under my commode,
holding the thing up.
If I pull it out, everything will
We should buy a new commode.
Varya, gather up the dishes and
wash them.
I don't want to.
Before, you'd say,
"I'll wash them later."
Or, "I'll finish reading,
then wash up."
Or you'd say,
"Mom, I'm tired and sleepy.
A bit later, in ten minutes."
What? "Dad, send me some money"?
Am I right, Pyotr?
Our days go by and melt into dark.
And nothing will make them return.
But, nearing me,
again will they spark,
That day and that night and that fern.
Sounds emerge that were hidden deep,
A light thread of music extending.
Revived are the days once-forgotten.
Far, faraway we'll be taken by spring,
When suddenly, amid silence,
From the window it would sing.
And we are again
in a magic land,
And our horizons as bright as ever.
And back to me
my childhood is sent,
Forever, forever, forever.
Oh, how wondrous is the blossom
of spring!
Quietly flows the day's radiance.
The world is once more discovered.
Far, faraway we'll be taken by spring,
When suddenly, amid silence,
From the window it would sing.
You should sell this bike for scrap.
Yes, it's junk!
Lmagine if you went
to town on foot.
With a staff in your hand.
Here, lighten up.
Can't you see I'm busy?
Чеховские мотивы Чеховские мотивы

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- текст Незнайка на Луне на английском
- текст Любовь с уведомлением на английском
- текст Братья Блюз на английском
- текст Вертихвостки 2 на английском
- текст Пропавший без вести 2: Начало на английском

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