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You're back, Alexei Nikolaevich.
I didn't recognize you.
Do you know where my mother is?
- In the fields.
Have a seat and rest.
Have a bit of tea
until Aunt Katya gets here.
I can't. I have to go now.
A car is waiting for me.
- Now?
- Now. Right this minute.
But what about Aunt Katya?
- She's not here. Let's go to the fields.
- They'll send me to jail!
- It's on the way.
- It's right nearby.
They're gonna get me
for this anyway. Let's go!
You've come back, my son.
You've made your mother happy.
I've been waiting,
thinking about everything--
- How are you, Mama?
- Like everyone else.
I'm going through the war.
Work is hard.
There are no men-- all women.
My dear, you've come back.
Alyosha, have you seen Ivan?
- When is the war going to end?
- Leave him alone. He just got back.
Let's go, Alyosha.
You can have a bite to eat and rest.
- Wait, Mama. I'm in a rush.
- Where are you rushing to?
I have to travel on.
I'm just stopping by for a minute.
What do you mean, son?
- I don't understand.
- I have to go. Right now.
Let's just talk for a moment.
I wanted to fix the roof.
You've grown. You're so thin.
It's just from the trip.
You're not sick, are you, Mama?
I don't have time to be sick.
Are you shaving already?
Do you smoke?
I have to go.
I won't let you!
- Forgive me, Mama.
- For what, Alyosha?
Forgive me, Mama.
What's wrong, Alyosha?
I'll survive. I'll get by.
I'll wait for you to come home.
I didn't wait for your father,
but I'll wait for you.
Alyosha! Have you seen Ivan
on the front?
When is the war going to end?
I'll be back, Mama!
That's all we have to tell you
about our friend Alyosha Skvortsov.
He could have become
a remarkable man.
He could have become a builder
or beautified the land with gardens.
He was, and in our memory
will forever remain, a soldier...
a Russian soldier.Who did you take it from? From them?
Give it back immediately.
But they gave it to me voluntarily.
Two days under arrest!
- For what?
- Five days?
- But I--
- Repeat the order!
- Five days...
- How disgraceful.
I told you: He's a beast.
Now we don't have to be afraid
of any beast.
Alyosha, it's so pleasant
when you think badly of someone,
only to discover that he's good.
Yes, that lieutenant is a good man.
Do you believe in friendship?
Of course I do. On the front,
you'd be lost without it.
No, I know that.
I mean between a boy and a girl.
Some girls are even better
than boys.
I think so, too.
But there are some who believe
that they can only be in love.
I used to be friends with a girl.
We were friends
and didn't think at all about love.
- Maybe you were in love and didn't notice.
- With her? No.
- Maybe she was in love with you.
- She was just a little girl.
Our neighbor Zoika.
No, love is something different.
Alyosha, would you like
to have a friend?
A true friend,
to have your whole life?
Me, too! Why do you think I'm traveling?
Do you think--
You're doing the right thing,
going to him. You're a good girl.
- That's not the only reason.
- You're a good girl.
You're not some sort of floozy.
No, Alyosha,
you don't know anything.
You know what, Alyosha?
- What?
I'm so thirsty. Aren't you?
- A quick stop?
- A quick stop.
The evening news,July 2 7th.
Throughout the day,
our troops have been fighting
in the Voronezh region,
and also
in the Tsimlyanskaya region.
After persistent battles,
our troops left the towns
of Hovocherkask and Rostov.
In other parts of the front,
there are no significant changes.
Over the past week,
from the 19th to the 25th of July,
during aerial battles,
on airfields...
Stop! Stop!
Can you take me to Uzlovaya?
I missed my train.
- Have you heard the news?
Баллада о солдате Баллада о солдате

Читайте также:
- текст Покаяние на английском
- текст Бежин луг на английском
- текст Кавказский пленник на английском
- текст Сверхновая на английском
- текст Токийский хор на английском

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