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apartment. He's gone.
I hit a nerve.
Remember my lieutenant, who's
now my captain? He's unhappy.
He doesn't want to hear
from you again.
Terry has worked very hard on this.
We both have.
Shut up.
...he wants the tapes and murder
books back first thing in the morning.
Will that give you enough
time to copy everything?
I've already done that. Thanks.
Go home, you look like crap.
Wait a minute.
Lip reader is 90% certain the shooter
was saying, " Happy Valentine's Day."
Happy Valent--
That doesn't sound like your average
three-strikes guy, does it?
What's the average these days?
Not much, man.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Do you see the boat?
I told you.
-How much homework do you have?
-Three questions.
You forgot, didn't you?
Sort of. I kind of got lost
the last couple hours.
We can do this another time.
No, we're having dinner.
Come on up.
-ls this Raymond?
-This is Raymond.
This is the man I was
telling you about.
-How are you doing?
-What's The Following Sea?
That's the one that you have to
watch for, the one right behind you.
-Where's the kitchen? I mean, galley?
-Right in here.
-Can you fish off this boat?
-Yeah, you can.
Come on back,
I'll get you a fishing pole.
I didn't want you to see that.
Was she...?
Was she ever scared?
No, she never knew anything.
What I've asked you to do,
it just isn't fair.
Is it?
There's a restaurant in the marina.
Good atmosphere, view of the sunset.
Why don't I just take you
to dinner there.
Why do you live on a boat?
I hate mowing lawns.
Why do you live onshore?
Because that's where my warm,
cozy apartment is.
You were right, though.
It's a great sunset.
Yeah, you never get tired of it.
Does he stay with you?
Yeah. His dad isn't around.
He's a great kid. Your sister
must have been a good woman.
Thank you.
So how is it going, McCaleb?
Any hope?
Start thinking about your sister...
...who her friends were,
where she went, all of her routines.
-All right. How come?
-That's just an angle I'm working on.
Did she ever know a James Cordell?
-You sure?
-Positive. Why?
It may be nothing.
It might be premature--
You think this James Cordell
killed her.
No, nothing like that.
Stop, McCaleb, with the prematures
and the angles. What?
Cordell was killed at an ATM machine
two weeks before your sister died.
We think it's the same gunman
in both cases.
Why would she know Cordell?
They were both in the wrong
place at the wrong time.
This investigation's being conducted
under the theory...
...that the locations were chosen
and the victims were random.
It's the other way around. It's not
where that's important. It's who.
-Gunman took money, so it's robbery--
-Bear with me.
Cordell and your sister
were connected.
There's some intersecting link
between them and the killer.
I'm not following you.
At the Bureau, we used to call
this a full-field investigation.
-That's what I'm conducting here.
-Full-field investigation.
Come on!
You know, there was one thing
that's always bothered me.
-Nothing, but....
What is it?
Glory had this piece of jewelry she
always wore. Like a good-luck charm.
She never took it off. When the police
brought me her effects, it was missing.
What was it?
It was a single earring,
a dangling crucifix.
Okay. So, what does it mean?
Nothing. Some killers take
souvenirs, I suppose.
-That's sick.
Are you okay?
Yeah. I gotta get back to the boat
for my medicine.
We have to get going too.
Raymond has some homework.
We've gotta go!
Say thank you to Mr. McCaleb. Come!
Thank you!
-Give me that schoolbag.
-Say thank you.
-Thank you.
-See you later.
-Give me the school bag.
And he takes the earring.
Hey, Buddy!
What's up?
You're working tomorrow, 6 a.m.
Cool. Whatever.
Who wants to go to the desert anyhow?
We go where the clues lead.
Don't any clues lead to the beach?
They lead
Анализ крови Анализ крови

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