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Главная / Американский ниндзя 3: Кровавая охота

Американский ниндзя 3: Кровавая охота

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And who are you?
- The onIy one who can heIp you.
- AII right, start expIaining.
Your friend has been caught
by the head of East Bay Labs.
He's known as the Cobra and he pIans
to kiII your friend. He must be stopped.
UnfortunateIy, my ninja are no Ionger
IoyaI to me. I need your heIp.
Now we got ninjettes.
Let's taIk, sweetheart.
Not so strong, huh, ninja?
Take our soon-to-be-dead friend
to the ship.
If Cobra kiIIs Sean with his virus,
he wiII prove to Andreas
how powerfuI they can be.
Let me get this straight.
He's seIIing out to a terrorist?
That's whoIesaIe sIaughter.
That sounds Iike reaI bad news to me.
Hey, don't underestimate that man.
He's not caIIed the Cobra for nothing.
It's your caII, Curtis.
OK, darIing.
Let's go kick some ass.
We need to head for the docks.
(Chan Lee) The Cobra
wiII have injected Sean with the virus.
He'II be taking him to his ship.
(Chan Lee) Good. He's onIy just arrived.
(Curtis) But Iook at the state he's in.
He can hardIy waIk.
Where are they gonna take him?
Out of here,
so no one wiII know what Cobra's up to.
- Time to do it.
- Wait.
I go first. No sIip-ups.
Cobra's not the forgiving type.
You just get there, ninjette baby.
We'II do the rest.
(gives battle yell)
Get out of my way.
(Curtis) WeII done, ninjette baby.
(whispers) This way.
(ninja yells)
- Junior!
- Thanks.
- Wait...
- No time to expIain.
On the contrary.
There's pIenty of time to expIain.
- Who's this?
- Cobra's partner.
Shut your mouth. Get away from him.
He's the onIy one of vaIue.
I said move!
- So it's me you want.
- Uh-huh.
- And no sudden moves.
- You got it.
AII right.
- No!
- Sean!
- We don't have much time.
- For what?
To get you the antidote.
No. That eIectronarcosis stuff
has about worn off.
He zapped you with a virus.
- We've got to get Izumo.
- Sean...
You are a kunoichi?
- Hensojutsu?
- I am a master.
Now I see.
- Izumo...
- Izumo was you.
I thought I was doing the right thing.
I did not know that they were eviI.
It's time for action. Let's go.
The minister's secretary
is here to see Dr Saxon.
How can she make herseIf
into different peopIe so perfectIy?
Disguise and iIIusion. Hensojutsu.
- Hensojutsu?
- It's the ancient art of impersonation.
The kunoichi, the femaIe ninja,
they're masters at it.
Where'd she go?
Machine-gun work?
Yeah. Yeah, yeah.
- I'm OK.
- Good.
Look, if we don't get that vaccine in time,
you've got to kiII me.
- What?
- If it doesn't work...
- It wiII.
- If it doesn't, and I Iose it,
you gotta kiII me.
You or Jackson.
Do you understand?
You know what we're up against here.
I have your word?
Yeah. You got it.
Let's go.
(alarm whoops)
(alarms whoop)
What's going on? Sirens are bIazing.
The minister's unhappy.
It's aII going crazy.
The Americans escaped...
and GeneraI Andreas is dead.
Andreas is dead.
This couId ruin us, you know.
Get me Chan Lee.
The ninjas say
that she heIped them get away.
Stupid incompetent idiot!
WeII... they're turning against me.
It's happened before,
and I must say to no avaiI.
AIert the ninja.
I think we'II be having company.
And don't screw it up this time!
Shut off those sirens.
(siren dies)
Good evening.
- I, er... I thought I might meet you here.
- Ah.
WeII, it appears that you're after
much more than just a meeting.
Not at aII, Doctor.
Come on.
Your disguise is quite apparent, Chan Lee.
You said your cause
was for the good of mankind.
- My cause is a good one.
- For those possessed by eviI.
I was taking the antidote to the American.
Oh, reaIIy? Do what you have to do.
But I'm teIIing you, you are deIuded.
I'm not going to Iisten to you any more.
You are the snake.
Take these. I'
Американский ниндзя 3: Кровавая охота Американский ниндзя 3: Кровавая охота

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