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Главная / Агония


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those who uphold
the ideals of autocracy,
I'm perhaps the most ardent
monarchist of all.
But there're times when
we can't afford
to take a narrow view of things.
We must sound the tocsins from
the high tower of Ivan the Great...
V.M. Purishkevich, Bessarabian
landowner, ultra-rightist
...from which one can see
every corner of Holy Russia.
For the Empire is in trouble.
Owing to our ex-colleagues,
the Bolsheviks, whom we have,
and we must all thank God for this,
expelled from the Duma for good...
the country is in revolt,
and perhaps even in revolution.
The Duma can only advise.
But the monarchy is in peril.
And nothing so much undermines
the very foundations of the crown
as the forces of darkness
introduced by Grigory Rasputin!
Our finest Ministers are cast
aside like cheap trinkets,
all because they refused
to be dominated,
they would not cede
to Rasputin's dissolute demands!
The selection of the Cabinet
belongs exclusively to the Czar.
If honor counts more than
career for you, gentlemen,
and if the future of Russia,
her might, her power, her glory,
so closely linked to the Czar's
destiny, means anything to you,
go and tell the Emperor
that it must be stopped!
Ask him to free Russia
from Rasputin,
and his followers, high and low.
For he's more threatening to
stability than the Teutonic invader!
Allow me to introduce myself
and to congratulate you.
Gentlemen, let's have a picture!
For posterity!
Grigory Efimovich!
Grigory Efimovich, Ivan has
been arrested.
We have to hurry.
Manassevich-Manuilov was
taken to prison.
Have mercy on me, oh Lord!
Take pity on me, Thy humble servant.
Ivan was arrested.
Ye who are merciful towards all,
forgive this sinner and bless him.
One minute's delay might mean
the end of us.
Help me lie down and sleep in peace.
I, the fornicator, the sinner...
- You've got to call.
- Call now, Grigory Efimovich.
Soon the bells will ring...
And I will kneel, and I will sing,
and I will glorify Thy Holy Name,
and the name of Thy Holy Son...
Now and for all eternity.
Lead us to Thy Holy gates...
Miss, put me through to 2-24-36.
He was arrested by order of
the Minister of the Interior.
They claim that the failed
offensive was all your idea,
that I have vested interests in
Baranovitchi and that I bribed you.
- Didn't you?
- I? You'll be punished by God.
By God?
Sturmer is on the phone.
Hello, Grigory Efimovich.
Grigory Efimovich, are you there?
Say something. Hello?
Look here, you old crock, why did
you throw the good man in prison?
Is he a horse thief or something?
He's had three decorations!
You can't arrest such a hero!
I'm not the Minister of
the Interior...
You've been made Prime Minister
so that you'd run things our way.
- But I've been sick.
- A sick man is no good to us.
Better give him a decent burial.
That's what I'll say to Mama.
I don't want to listen to you,
you senile old fossil.
I beg you, hear me out...
We must select a new prime
who is more loyal, devoted.
- Who do you mean by we?
- You!
And who is more loyal?
Could it be you?
Quiet, all of you!
I wrote it..."My eye has fallen
on you. Grigory."
Who do we send it to? Tell me!
To Dobrovolsky.
The best man for Prime Minister
would be Protopopov.
I'll put a cross.
Who you want it sent to?
- To Golitsyn.
- Or even better, to Trepov.
Where's Annoushka?
Go and get Annoushka Vyrubova!
Lidka, go and find Vyrubova!
- Ahh! No! No!
- Go get her, good soul.
Well, enough, enough...
You're hurting me.
Very well, Your Majesty.
You can tell you troops they've
got our authorization to shoot.
Mow them down! Take your
sabers and impale the bastards!
We'll make 'em sorry
they began, rotten Bolsheviks!
It is he, and he alone.
It is Rasputin who is guilty.
And may God be praised.
But if that happens,
the blame will fall on his head.
Every abject indignity which
our country's been subjected to...
Агония Агония

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