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most interesting. Information concerning
your second, more important life,..
...which is so radically different from your first --
-- the Herculean one.
Your first life is known to everybody.
From 10 to 4 you support the Soviet system.
But of your second life from 4 to 10,..
only I'm informed.
Have you estimated
the significance of this situation?
You know, you are not descended
from a monkey like other people.
You are descended from a cow.
You grasp things with great difficulty.
I repeat: the folder is being offered for a million.
If you do not buy it, I shall...
Show me the case.
Don't bother. I'll command the parade!
I don't understand what you want of me.
But I don't mind looking at it out of curiosity.
Let's begin on that basis, which,
after all, is perfectly innocuous.
Gentlemen of the Jury!
I commence.
My defendant was born...
I suppose we may omit the happy childhood.
In those days little Sasha had not yet
occupied himself with commercial robbery.
Further goes the rosy adolescence.
And here is youth and the beginning of life.
The first important enterprises
of my defendant; to wit:
trade in government medicaments at the time
of the famine and the typhus epidemic,..
...and work in the Supplies Department,
which led to the disappearance of the railroad train...
..and the supplies directed
to the starving Volga districts.
All these facts, gentlemen of the jury, interest us
from the point of view of pure, innocuous curiosity.
We shall omit some pages...
Those with weak nerves should leave the audience.
Not altogether devoid of curiosity...
...was the appearance of my defendant
in Moscow in the year 1922.
Just look at him...
I can't make it out.
No, this is not gold!
Go on sawing, Shura! Go on.
Don't come to me with this iron.
I despise you!
Don't press my psyche!
You're interfering with business!
Where... where are you going, mammy?
Gentlemen of the jury!
The session continues.
And as you see, the ice is breaking.
The defendant has attempted to kill me.
Of course...out of childish curiosity!
He merely wanted to find out
what is inside of me.
Inside of me is an honorable
and very healthy heart,..
...excellent lungs, and a gall bladder
without a vestige of stones.
I request that this fact be entered into the protocol.
It's no longer a secret
that you don't love me.
I shall never obtain that which
Kolya Osten-Baken, my childhood friend...
...obtained from the Polish beauty Inga Zaiac.
He did obtain her love.
You may consider the serenade over.
I'm addressing you as one juridical party
to another juridical party.
I beg the court's permission
to ask the defendant several questions.
Did not the defendant have extra-official duties
with the Herculean Berlaga?
He did not?
Then with the Herculean Scumbrievich?
Also not?
And with Herculean Polykhaev?
He did not! I have no further questions.
I'm tired and hungry!
Tell me, don't you happen to have...
...a cold meat ball stored away on your bosom?
Surprising poverty if one takes into consideration
the size of the sum...
...which you, with the aid of Polykhayev,
have extracted from good old Hercules.
Yes, gentlemen of the jury,
my defendant is a sinner.
That has been proven.
What punishment does he deserve?
Bad luck, Alexander Ivanovich.
Bad, bad luck.
However, I shall permit myself to plead
extenuating circumstances, on the one condition...
...that the defendant buy my folder
for 1 million rubles. I have finished.
It's dawn. Ah, how quickly the night passed
When you came in the guise of a Kiev investigator,
I knew at once that you were a petty crook.
To my regret, I was mistaken.
Otherwise you would never have found me.
Anything might happen, to quote the Polish beauty
Inga Zaiac a month after her marriage.
Well, now I understand the role of that idiot beggar.
But the dumbbells?
Why did you steal my dumbbells?
- What dumbbells?
Золотой телёнок Золотой телёнок

Читайте также:
- текст Возвращение на английском
- текст Сердце Ангела на английском
- текст Симаррон на английском
- текст Шестнадцать свечей на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная Схватка на английском

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