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burns them.
The Teacher will be pleased.
What will you do
once you have the Grail?
Destroy it.
The documents and the
sarcophagus, of course.
And the heir?
Will you exercise the final edict?
Spill his blood?
There will be no need.
Once the sarcophagus is destroyed,
DNA testing will be impossible.
There is no way to prove
a living bloodline.
But if you had to...
...would you do as councils
have done before us?
Christ sacrificed his life
for the betterment of humanity.
So, too, may be the fate of his seed.
I need the flight plan.
Ten minutes.
I asked you to get it for me.
I'm on break.
Come back in 10 minutes.
My nose! My nose!
The flight plan, please.
You asshole!
It's not "cross."
What happened to her?
No one knows.
Mary Magdalene lived out
her days in hiding.
And the zealots pursued her still...
...even in death, trying to destroy
proof of her existence.
But she always had her Knights.
Brave men sworn to defend her.
You see, to worship
before her sarcophagus...
... to kneel before the bones
of Mary Magdalene...
...was to remember all those
who were robbed of their power...
...who were oppressed.
Ultimately, the Priory hid her remains
and the proof of her bloodline...
...until most believed
her sarcophagus...
... the Holy Grail...
...was finally lost in time.
What are you doing?
At the chateau, you said,
"It hides beneath the Rose."
No, no, no. Do be careful.
In Latin, sub rosa.
Literal translation...
"Beneath the rose."
We need a mirror.
Backwards. In the style
of Leonardo himself.
Thank you.
In London lies a knight
a Pope interred
His labour's fruit
a Holy wrath incurred
You seek the orb
that ought be on his tomb
It speaks of Rosy flesh
and seeded womb
"In London lies a knight
a Pope interred"?
A knight whose funeral
was presided over by the Pope.
Of course, the Priory knights
were not just any knights.
And there's just one place to bury
a Templar knight in London.
Temple Church.
Temple Church.
If you'll excuse me, my dear...
...Roger and I must discuss
a change in flight plan.
Harbouring and transporting fugitives?
You are already implicated enough.
You and I, Robert,
have observed history.
Time has been our glass.
We are in history now. Living it.
Making it.
I am on a Grail quest.
Forgive me, Robert...
...but you two may well
have given this old man...
...the greatest night of his life.
Thank you.
He's going to want more money.
I suppose this is a new technique
for investigations.
I've lost them.
They flew to Switzerland.
No extradition.
The controller filed charges.
Ari was on dispatch. He called me.
What's going on, Bezu?
You know that I am Opus Dei?
A bishop of my order called me.
He said a killer
came to him in confession.
His name was Robert Langdon.
He said I couldn't imagine
the evil in this man's heart.
That he would keep killing.
He said I had to stop him.
The bishop broke his vows
to tell me this.
He charged me
to stop Robert Langdon.
Tell me, Collet, who have I failed?
The bishop?
God himself?
They've changed their flight plan
to London.
I have them, tower. Relay Hawker
to land and hold on tarmac.
- Secure the area!
- Wider!
- Armed police!
- You two, round the back!
Armed police!
Put your hands in the air!
- Three men up!
- Ready!
Put your hands in the air! Do it now!
I'm afraid that's
easier said than done in my case.
Oh, good morning.
Did that old cannabis charge
finally catch up with me?
Sir, the French police say
you're transporting fugitives...
...and you may have
a hostage onboard.
I'm to take you all into custody.
Sadly, I have an important medical
appointment which I can't miss.
I'll fetch the car, sir.
This is serious, sir. The French police
are on their way. Stop!
Код Да Винчи Код Да Винчи

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