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Книга мастеров

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Then answer me:
how long am I to languish in this tower?
Where's the new Master?
There's a bit of a problem here.
He kind of exists and kind of doesn't.
Enough with riddles!
- Where's the new Master?!
- Please don't get agitated.
If you get agitated -
then I get agitated.
What prophesy, I beg you!
Where is he?!
Well, there is some prophesy-hypocrisy…
But who cares about all those old-wives tales!
That's it. I'm tired of this.
Answer me now!
No! No! Wait, Stone Princess!
You are such a hot-tempered woman,
heavens be with you.
Out with it!
Once upon a time,
in a far away land…
Out with it!
There is such a Master, Stone Princess.
Only his time has not yet come.
There is?! Show him to me!
I'm extremely sorry,
but your time is up.
Till our next transmission…
a film of
Hey, Kuzma! What do you want?
Vanya! Have you been sitting here all night?
Leave me, Kuzma!
Just a little bit left.
Ivan! You've lost your mind!
Run quickly!
Everyone is with Barin (lord of the manour)!
With Barin?!
What time is it?!
You're late!
On this celebratory day
I would also like to note
that the stone-cutters workshop
I oversee has exceeded…
Get to the point!
The portrait of our esteemed birthday girl
is made of precious stone
of the highest quality.
And since the previous birthday
of our dear birthday girl
was only yesterday,
we did not expect,
the next one to come so soon.
So this work has been completed
in record time
by myself personally…
- Well?!
- Well?!
Where the devil have you been?
And on this celebratory day
I am very happy to give the gift
to our dear birthday girl
- How dare you!
- It wasn't me! Honestly!
- A whipping!
- It wasn't me! Brothers! It wasn't me!
Honestly! Not me! Not me!
It's all Vanya!
Grab him!
Don't touch him! He'll come on his own.
You wish!
You'll come, you'll come…
Or I'll do to your little toy…
Your father was such a talented man.
Don't! Give it back!
That is all I have left
of my father…
Let me go! I'll come myself!
Well, start!
- Save Barin!
- Klavdia!
- Where are you, Klavdia?!
- Klava!
My dad is the Barin!
Hey, freaks! Let her go!
And so the Ardars took Ivan and Klava
to the Neverending Forest to Baba-Yaga herself
as a gift!
You've brought your hoard once again,
Yangul the warrior?
You should know, I don't have any food.
We haven't come empty-handed.
So why are you standing there,
counting crows?
Bring them into the hut!
What have you brought for me?
What's this?
This is just skin and bones!
Well this one's alright!
This one has some fat on her.
My dad is the Barin.
He'll whip you all!
Is he fat too?
Ivan, tell her!
- He's fat.
- Idiot!
A fat idiot - that's delicious!
Why are you standing?
Wait outside!
You hungry stonemen…
I'll treat you to some soup
from death-cap mushrooms.
You want to run away?
Who are you?!
Me? I'm the daughter of the Stone Princess!
What Stone Princess?
You what?!
You don't know
who is the Stone Princess?
Don't know and don't want to know.
My dad is the Barin.
He'll send his men here.
They'll save me and will whip you all!
I'll whip you!
Whip you all!
Oh, what grief! Oh, what misfortune!
Find my daughter!
Alive and unharmed!
Oh, what grief! Oh, what misfortune!
So long as…
these Ardars…
continue with the unlawful raids…
on our peaceful leands and villages?
I mean lands. Lands and villages.
Or… leands?
No matter! There'll be a whipping!
Oh, Barin, what grief this is!
What are we to do? What are…
So! The kidnappers must be destroyed!
Bring my daughter back!
Go, my eagles! Go after the Ardars!
Where do we go?
Where do we find these Ardars?
Oh, you imbeciles!
You don't know where Ardars live!
Well, usually they come to us themselves!
There are rumors that Ardars live
in the Neverending Forest…
You see, any fool knows:
Книга мастеров Книга мастеров

Читайте также:
- текст Родители на английском
- текст Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная Схватка на английском
- текст Артур 2 на английском
- текст Величайшее шоу мира на английском
- текст Дневной дозор на английском

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