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Что забыла дама?

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attacks during winter
So he doesn't have it
Going back to the original question...
No, I'm actually very good
I can drive at 60 kph on Route 2
It's such a good feeling
You want to come along?
No thanks
Your family doesn't object?
I see, but it sounds dangerous
You see, I'm the best road racer
Shall I show you?
So here's where you are
I'm talking to uncle
First put your bags away
She's learning to drive
Drive? There'll be none of that in Tokyo!
Restrict your accidents to Osaka,
You smoke?
Yes, I do
It's bad for you!
But you smoke!
Put it out. You're still a minor
I'll just finish it off
Mind you wash behind your ears,
young lady
Are they dirty?
Clean them for me
Ugh! How dirty!
Master Okada is here
Please come in
Am I intruding?
Not at all. This is our niece
Setsuko, Mr. Okada
I owe a lot to your uncle
Sir, I brought your book
Good lad. Sit down
It's alright. Please
It's alright. Please
How'd you like to be a tutor?
What subject?
Arithmetic. Exam preparations
For Fujio
In junior high, already?
Will you?
But children and I...
It'd be easy for you. Please do it
But the doctor...
He approves, don't you?
Then it's settled? You'll do it? Good!
But Mrs. Komiya...
It's been decided
Thanks a lot!
You're stuck with it
Seems so
Area of the sea is 3 times
that of the land
3/4 of which is in the
northern hemisphere
How many times is the area of the sea
in relation to land in the
northern hemisphere?
How many times...
Well, that's...
3/4 of the sea is in the N.H...
Wait, I just have the thing!
It's easy when you use this
That's a good idea!
3/4 of the area...
Ethiopia's over here
How many times is the area
of the sea in relation to land
Come in. Hello
Did you get question three?
How does it go?
The earth's area becomes 1,
then land area equals 1/4
So land in the N.H. is...
1/4 times 3/4 = 3/16
Therefore, the area of the sea...
1/2 minus 3/16
Where'd you get the half?
This? By calling the area 1 ...
The N.H. becomes one half
Oh, really?
So the equation is 5/16
That's the sea area
So 5/16 divided by 3/16...
...is 1 and 2/3, that's the answer
Yes! That's right!
Where'd you graduate from?
The university
You did graduate?
Yes, I did
Junior high, too?
And you studied arithmetic?
Of course
So we've nothing to worry about
So it seems
Please come in
It's been a while. Come in
Everything's fine?
Yes, thank you. You always look good
You too, you look younger
every time I see you
Your flattery has improved
I mean it
Your Aunt's not coming
No, but I remembered you like these
Thank you very much
This is from Aunty
Oh, really!
She helped get a tutor for Fujio
Mr. Okada?
He's been very helpful. He's here now
Is he?
You ready? France!
Wrong! South America!
Wrong! Africa!
No, it's the ocean!
It's OK, it's only Aunty
Again! Quickly!
You ready? Taiwan!
What're you playing?
“Hit the spot”
Can you hit it?
It's not easy!
Have a try
I will
North Pole
That's cheating!
Is arithmetic so difficult?
Yes. Can't make any headway
Especially today's question
I don't think I could pass
his exam myself
What a teacher!
I'm serious
An unreliable teacher!
Are you working?
I came for a quick smoke
Aunty's rather strict
Still playing golf?
Yes, I am
I play most Saturdays
How did it go?
About 33-34
That's quite big
I got quite good but I gave it up
I got callouses and
didn't really have time
Because I'm studying classical voice
So you sing “kiyomoto”?
and my teacher praised
my rendition of “Ochudo”
Is that so?
You're not golfing today?
I have to work on this
So I won't go today
You still here? Do you know the time?
I'm pondering whether or not to go
Why? You must go
The exercise is good for you
I'm going out for
Что забыла дама? Что забыла дама?

Читайте также:
- текст Минотавр на английском
- текст Звёздный путь: Следующее поколение на английском
- текст Маленькая Вера на английском
- текст Легенда о Сурамской крепости на английском
- текст Крулл на английском

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