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Золотой телёнок

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You're simply ashamed to admit it.
I did not steal any dumbbells.
Generally speaking, you pulled
some pretty silly tricks!
Quite possible. I'm no angel.
I have my weak points.
However, we're talking too much. The mulattoes
are waiting for me. May I have the money?
Yes, the money.
It's not as simple as all that.
The folder is a good one.
It's possible that I may buy it.
But a million is an excessively large figure.
Au revoir.
According to my estimates, you've got 8-9 millions.
Please remain at home for half an hour.
A splendid carriage with bars will call for you.
That's no way to do business
That may be so. But I'm not a financier.
I'm an independent artist and a cold philosopher.
By what right should you receive this money...
I earned it, but you?..
I didn't only earn it, but I have even suffered!
After having examined your past
I lost my faith in mankind!
- Isn't that alone worth a million rubles  --
-- faith in mankind?
It's worth it, it's worth it.
You wouldn't be haunted
by bleeding boys, would you?
Don't be afraid.
Well then, shall we go to the corn bin?
If it's very far, I can provide an auto.
- Please.
- To your health!
You're much better than
I thought you would be.
Indeed, one should part with money
easily, without groans.
A million is not too much for a good man.
Citizens, you are in a poison gas zone!
Scabby old fellows!
Comic opera buffoons!
Citizen defendant, what are these tricks?
I call you to order!
Citizen! You are poisoned.
Citizen! You're poisoned by the gas.
Calm down. You may carry him away.
Boys, tell my deceased father,
the Turkish citizen,..
...that his favorite son,
the former horns'n'hoofs expert,..
...has died the death of the brave
on the field of honor.
"Sleep, fighting eagles! Nightingale,
nightingale, you little bird!"
How to defend yourself against
military poisoning substances?
Is it possible at all?
... the choking, the tear-producing,
the generally poisoning,..
...the festering, the irritating...
...Chlorpicrin, Bromidic Benzyl,
Bromeaceton, Chloracetophenon...
You're pathetic nonentities!
What are you doing!
You'll have to answer for this.
Shura, you're the witness.
Stop. You are poisoned aren't you?.
Not a word about dumbbells.
Where have you been?
At the archbishop's birthday party?
Well, swan-brothers,
what have you done?
So help me God,
it was Panikovsky who started it.
My honest, honorable word!
You know Bender, how I respect you!
Don't you see that these are Balaganov's tricks.
And you believe him?
Do you suppose I would have taken
those dumbbells without your permission?
So it was you who took the dumbbells!
But why?
Panikovsky said that they were made of gold.
And how does it go with the defendant?
Fine, but for the fact that
he fled in unknown direction.
- Do you see the young lady sitting there?
- A nice young lady, indeed.
- She's the one with whom Koreiko used to walk.
- Really?
So, that is Zosya Sinitskaya!
Well now, really!
In the midst of the noisy ball, accidentally...
Are you the girl who lived near Marcelle
in the year of 1898?
In what year?
Then, it must've been another woman.
Do you know what you comb is made of?
It's made of horns'n'hoofs.
I'm telling you as an expert.
I'm interested in technology.
During a reconstruction - privately speaking -
everything is decided by technology.
[quote from I.Stalin]
but liberal art and philology...
Do you like Byron?
Oh my God, what a woman!
By the way, meet Panikovsky,
the governor of Borneo.
- Shura Schmidt.
- Nice to meet, Balaganov.
- What were you talking to her about?
- Nothing in particular.
- Well, you roughnecks, let's get back to business.
- Give me my share and that's it.
We must find the defendant.
8 trains with far destinations had already departed
and about 5 ships...
After all, there's nothing terrible about it.
It is not China.
In China it would
Золотой телёнок Золотой телёнок

Читайте также:
- текст Хорнблауэр: Бунт на английском
- текст Кин-Дза-Дза на английском
- текст Роджер и я на английском
- текст 9 рота на английском
- текст Непосредственный мальчуган на английском

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