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Главная / Земля Санникова

Земля Санникова

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... Many of our children and  elders have died...
... I shall hoodoo the spirits and cleanse your soul...
... And you'll follow the will of our ancestors.
- Take it. Pour it into aliens' food.
... They fell asleep. And you'll follow the will of our ancestors.
- It's an illusive world. There's only a moment you should keep hold of.
... There's only a moment between the past and the future. That moment is called life.
- Gentlemen, the land is getting colder remarkably fast.
- Shouldn't we go back home?
- Gentlemen, don't you think that leaving this place we abandon children?
- We'll try to explain what they're heading to.
- I'm afraid they won't believe you.
...They think we are wizards shaking their land.
- A rescue party should be sent here.
- All of them will freeze to death before it arrives.
- They're over a barrel.
- One of us should stay here to help them make it through the winter...
...  Build warm shelters. Gubin will take care of it.
- Dukar, when first arrow touches their bodies you'll bang a big drum.
- Big drum. I will, great shaman.
- You'll kill them.
- Yes, I'll make them wriggle in painful death dance.
...I'll kill aliens.
- I'll teach you how to talk with the spirits.
- And I'll take Anueer.
- Cut and run! Let's meet over there, near the stone.
- Go away Gashar, you'll be rewarded. You followed the will of our ancestors.
- You'll die in terrible throes.
- Don't!
- Go away.
- Don't kill him!
- Dukaar, wait. His time will come. They'llget back here.
...They'll find your arrows. Go get them first!
- There is no man who wouldn't wail when veins are taken out...
... I'll put out your eyes first. Then I'll cut out your heart. Scream!
- Look at me, shaman! I am Saktinkar, chief's son...
... I've revenged the death of my father!
- I'm so sorry, alien!
... Shaman was holding my soul in his hands!
- I believe you.
- Alien, you are free. My people meant you no harm...
... But please ask other aliens to stop shaking our land...
... I know you're kind, you were sorry for our children.
- Trust me, we didn't shake your land.
...There are no people able to shake your land.
- Who did it then?
- I can't explain that.
- The spirits don't allow you to?
- No, not spirits.
... We meant no harm to your people. We ought to go back home.
- Go back. But it's a sore grief to me. You're a great shaman. You know how to heal people.
- You've made up your mind?
- Yes, can't leave them. I'd be more helpful than any of us
...Our lives are in your hands now. You must return return with the rescue party before we get frozen.
- Vladimir Ivanovich, I have a gift for you.
... Trifon Stepanovich gave me that. Take it as a keepsake.
- Thank you, Ignaty.
...But you'll need it.
- No. I don't even know how to use it.
- Take it. I don't want any more gunshots on the Onkilon land.
- Good-bye.
- Good-bye, Anueer.
- Alien, I'm coming with you!
- Don't call me "alien".
- OK, alien, I won't.
- I have to go, Anueer.
- I'm coming with you.
- You can't go with me. We'll go through snow and ice. We may die.
- I'll die with you.
- No, you'll stay here. We're sure to come back.
- Alien, I'll be waiting for you.
- Come one, Annueer! I have something for you.
- Take it. A present for you.
... What was that?
- Hold on!
- Drop it! We both die!
- Don't!
- El'yin, stop.
...I don't feel well...
...Was my life well-spent?
- Yes, it was. Trust me.
- Now everything depends on you...
... You must survive. You must get there.
... Keep walking. If you come back to Onkilons and save them our lives will be well-spent.
Hello, puppies. The land is not far away, is it?
- Why don't you stay at home, man?
... Why are you treading the globe?
Why are you agate?
Земля Санникова

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