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Главная / Том Джонс

Том Джонс

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binding our two estates together.
I had not realised Mr Allworthy was
so interested in questions of property.
Oh, he is.
And you?
I? Well, naturally my attentions
are set constantly
on those most blissful and sanctified
pleasures of holy matrimony.
Clandestine amours so soon, Mr Blifil?
I pray you, Aunt, excuse me.
I feel a little... faint.
The fox, Mr Blifil, the fox.
It is you who have taught her
disobedience, Brother.
You are such a boor!
Boar? I am no boar! No! Nor ass!
Ah, more-than-gothic ignorance!
As for your manners, they deserve a cane!
And yours I despise
as much as I do a fart!
And as for your niece, I'm going
to lock her up in my tower this time!
You'll do nothing of the sort!
- Honor, promise to keep your word.
- I can't, madam. I'm frightened. I can't.
- I'm frightened, madam.
- Aaargh! Aaargh!
Got you, my girl! Come on!
Come on. You won't get out this time,
I warrant you!
Our hero was now on the road to London.
His first adventure was with a party
of those men whose profligate ways
could be conducted with safety
only under the protection of red coats.
Good day, gentlemen.
Which way are you heading?
- North, to fight for the Protestant cause.
- Against Prince Charles?
Those damned Scots
are already on their way to England.
I've been walking all day and I'm hungry.
May I buy some food and drink?
- Right, give him some.
- Thank you, Sergeant.
- Good day, Captain.
- Good day.
I perceive you are a gentleman.
We should be glad to
welcome you into our company.
- I'd be glad to march with you.
- Good. We shall be on the march shortly.
(soldiers sing "Rule Britannia")
There comes a time when men
in a constant state of readiness for war
will slip their leash and fight like dogs.
I believe... that a man can fight for
no nobler cause than that of his religion.
Hear, hear.
I'd like to propose a toast
to the Protestant cause.
Smoke the prig out, Northerton.
Smoke him.
Sir, were you ever at university?
Sir, so far from having been at university,
I was never at school.
Me neither!
I only presumed, sir, from the information
of your great learning.
Sir, it is as easy for a man not to have
been at school and know something
as it is for a man to have been at school
and know nothing.
Well said, young volunteer.
Upon my word, Northerton, you'd best let
him alone or he'll prove too hard for you.
Give us a toast, young fellow.
Fill up his cup.
I would like to propose a toast...
to the health, and bless the name...
of Miss Sophie Western.
Sophie Western.
Sophie Western?
I knew one Sophie Western - was lain with
by half the young fellows at Bath.
Perhaps this is the same woman.
Miss Western is a lady
of fashion and fortune.
Oh aye, so she is, so she is!
Aye, it is the same young lady.
I'll lay half a dozen of Burgundy
Tom French of our regiment
had her in the tavern at Bridge Street!
Sophie Western!
Sir! I can bear no jesting
with this lady's character.
Jesting? Damn me if I was
ever more in earnest in my life.
Tom French of our regiment
had her and her aunt together at Bath.
You are the most impudent
rascal on earth!
You've killed him, you swine!
Zounds, I was but in jest with the fellow.
I never heard of Miss Western in my life.
Then you deserve to be hanged. You are
under arrest. Sergeant, take him away.
Arrest him.
But a hero cannot be lost
until his tale is told.
For, heaven be thanked,
we live in such an age
where no man dies for love
except upon the stage.
I'll kill you, Northerton...
I'm going to kill you, Northerton!
Northerton... Northerton...
Must find Northerton.
Must find Northerton...
Help! Help!
The ghost walks!
- (hounds bark)
- Shh! Shh!
(barking continues)
Том Джонс Том Джонс

Читайте также:
- текст Столкновение на английском
- текст Рыбка по имени Ванда на английском
- текст Готов! на английском
- текст Рэд на английском
- текст Настоящий гений на английском

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