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Please, sit down.
You know... the situation is
becoming intolerable.
- Are we done singing?
- Done, for now.
- Good bye!
- Two teenagers hate each-other...
- Mmm...
- That much is already disturbing.
We must put an end to it.
- Yeah...
- Which is why I'd like to suggest
a pedagogical experiment.
- An experiment?
- Yes, an experiment.
Why have you stopped writing, dear?
- I didn't.
- Keep at it, then.
- How about we send them both to
get the sour-cream from the village.
The sour-cream comes on a cart.
They'd have to pull it together.
You might say...
"...strapped into the same harness."
What do you think?
- I... uh, sure. Let them go for a walk.
"Unexpected Downpour"
- Enough, Lopukhin...
Why are we, like two idiots,
at each-other's throats?
Truce, Lopukhin?
- No.
- Why not?
- Because my opinion of you
hasn't changed.
I still, to this day, think that
you are scum, a liar and a thief.
Didn't you promise to hit me some day?
So I'd remember it for my whole life?
Which you called "pathetic."
Did you change your mind?
What do you say to that, Lunyov?
- What I do I say to that?
Well, first I'll tell you why you are
being such a rabid idiot.
Where the disease is.
You're a liar, Lopukhin.
You like telling lies about some
imaginary feelings...
The ones that don't exist and never did.
And you're looking for fellow idiots,
who will suddenly believe you.
But such idiots don't exist either.
As to me, Lopukhin, you do have
a good reason to hate me.
Because... some people love me.
Just because.
Without any need for high-brow lies.
- You're scum, Lunyov.
- Is that what you wanted, Lopukhin?
- You're scum, Lunyov!
And I hate you!
Got that?
- And you lie, Lunyov!
You lie!
It's not all that simple!
Got it?
- Mitya...
What the hell are we doing?
Huh, Mitya?
You are right...
...on all counts...
I know. I forged the results.
I just didn't want to admit it.
- Good lord, that's incredible...
How do you manage to be such an idiot?
Say something, Mitya.
- Just keep at it.
- I am, I am!
- Let me see.
"Act Third and Last"
- It's dull today.
- What can you do?
To not find people dull you must get used
to dealing with stupidity and treason.
These two make spin the world.
- You're right...
- And for a reason.
There are no perfect souls. Indeed.
I thought I found one, but was mistaken.
- What do you mean?
- I said...
That in this world I only found one.
It's you...
- You're pale.
- I danced a lot.
I doubt it, mon ami,
you never left one spot.
- Then clearly because
I didn't dance enough.
- Oh, you don't love me!
- And pray tell,
What should I love you for?
Eternal Hell you've placed into my chest.
Oh, no, I'm glad to see you suffer!
And yet...
you dare, you dare demand my love!
I gave you all my heart, still not enough?
And do you care to know the price I paid
...for tenderness? And in return?
I hoped for just a smile,
a look of yearn...
And found what?
And is it possible? You dared betray
my love for someone's careless flirt?
Me, who you could ask to sell his soul,
and he'd obey...
You dared.
- Farewell, Yevgeniy.
I die, but not at fault.
You are a villain.
For many years my spirit was possessed
by vengeance, which is now fully paid.
He's gone... and happy.
Me? I am afraid...
all that awaits me is dishonour and unrest.
"There are a lot of things
I would like to say..."
"things I didn't dare say before."
"The summer is coming to an end"
"and there is now but little time left"
"and I can't remain quiet any longer."
"You have probably noticed yourself"
"how the grass is turning brown"
"and how the leaves on the trees
have slowly started turning yellow"
"because everything must come to an end."
"I'd like to tell you everything,
right here..."
"while it is still summer"
"and the leaves in the old park
are still rustling."
"Whenever I hear them,
it reminds me of you."
"And in
Сто дней после детства Сто дней после детства

Читайте также:
- текст Гадкие лебеди на английском
- текст Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись на английском
- текст Письма мёртвого человека на английском
- текст Звездный Крейсер Галактика - Сезон 2 на английском
- текст Октябрь на английском

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