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what's going in here ?
That's what I'm trying
to find out.
It seems that we had
a little accident
with Morgan's bike.
Oh, boy.
Can you fix it ?
As soon as I learn to walk
on water I'll get on it.
Don't you take that tone
of voice with your father !
That bike cost $500 !
No shit.
You handle this.  I don't
want any more to do with it.
What the hell am I
supposed to say to that ?
I've been at this thing
for two hours.
You might be a little more
understanding of her.
Well, Dad, you know,
I've been working on that
my whole life.
## It's too late ##
## To fall in love
with Sharon Tate ##
## But it's too soon ##
## But the bull is gonna dance i
the brain of Reverend Moon ##
## I think that it's time
that you're startin' to
think about getting by ##
## But I have that need
to go out and find ##
## Somebody to love ##
Very kind.  Thank you.
Thank you very much !
## It's too late ##
## There's no one left
that I even wanna imitate ##
## But it's too soon
to ask me for the words
I want carved on my tomb ##
## So I think that it's time ##
## That you're all startin'
to think about gettin' by ##
## But I have that need
to go and rely on ##
## Somebody to love ##
## You just don't know ##
## I'm here to give
you my heart and you want
some fashion show ##
## So I think it's time ##
## 'Cause I think
it's too easy to rely ##
## On worshipping devils
and strangers in bed ##
## Though they do get good drugs
and they do give good head ##
Please, God, if You're up there,
just let him see me.
Come on, Ronnie.
Jimmy isn't your type.
Maybe if you moved the hair
out of your eyes, you'd see
how wrong you are.
Pain in my heart,
there he is.
Thank you.  Thank you.
We'll be back in a bit
with more tales from the crypt.
Thank you.
Nice dress.
So where's he from ?
What do you do for fun
back there ?
Met at the Yacht Club
every Sunday.
Is he serious ?
Never as far
as I can tell.
I was, actually.
Have a good set.
All right.
Excuse me.
One, two, three, four !
Hey, let go of me.
Who do you think
you are, huh ?
Let go of me !
Not until you tell me
what your name is.
That's my business.
## Bobby takes the gas
Pedal to the floor ##
## The voices
He hears the voices ##
## Coming from the traffic
Coming from the cube ##
## Like the cry of babies
passing through a tube ##
## Voices run inside you ##
There's gonna
be trouble.
## Jill breathes carbon
trailing from the bus ##
## It's like staring
in the eyes of Lazarus ##
## The voices
She hears the voices ##
## Like a starving whisper
no one ever heard ##
## Like an epileptic
hummingbird ##
Let me go !
## The voices
She hears the voices ##
## Coming from the traffic
Coming from the cube ##
## Like the cry of babies
passing through a tube ##
## Voices run inside you ##
## Sal and Liz
sitting at the zoo ##
## Sal says I do
but, Liz, do you ##
Yo, man, look at that.
Talk about balls.
You don't understand.
Then enlighten me.
## They hear all the voices ##
## Coming from the traffic
Coming from the cube ##
## Like the cry of babies
passing through a tube ##
## Voices run inside you ##
J.C. !
Morgan, please.
Nick.  Nick !
Yo !  Yo !
- Stop it !
- Yo, that's Frankie man.
Let me go !
## The voices
She hears the voices ##
## Coming from the traffic
Coming from the cube ##
## Like the cry of babies
passing through a tube ##
-## Voices run inside you ##
- Go ahead, go !
Shit, man.
Hey, Nick !
- Get that asshole, will ya.
- What ?  Oh, man.
Get out of my way.
Get out of my way, fag !
Move, man.
Move.  Get out of my way.
Get out of here.  Move !
Nick ?
What is she doing ?
I don't know.
Get off me, man !
You having a nice time ?
You take her home !
The dance is over.
## Like the cry of babies
passing through a tube ##
## The voices run inside you ##
Hey, wait.
Hey, wait !
We're gonna serve
this dude now, man.
Come on
Стенка на стенку Стенка на стенку

Читайте также:
- текст Московская элегия на английском
- текст Приключения Хомы на английском
- текст 1984 на английском
- текст Чебурашка и Крокодил Гена на английском
- текст Займёмся любовью на английском

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