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Главная / Сибириада


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fiight to Siberia
is at 7:45 p.m.
What about the baggage?
Baggage to the hotel and cancel my fiight.
I'm going to the Committee.
...prestressed concrete.
That about sums it up.
Iwon't repeat myself.
As you see, we've developed enough
designs for three versions
of a hydropower plant.
The 42-meter-high dam
can have a capacity
of at least 8 million kilowatts.
As for the fiooded areas...
Victor, please.
These are areas
that are practically unsuitable for living.
Population density
is one per two square kilometers.
Moving inhabitants
to comfortable new homes
will only be advantageous for them.
And this is our city of the future,
the Sun City, so to say.
If you don't take the fioor,
it's all over.
Too late.
We've missed the boat.
This project means oil exploration
is out of the question.
You no longer believe in oil either?
We ourselves need
for someone to believe us.
But the Ministry
and the Planning Committee don't.
Only one thing can save us now...
real live oil instead of promises.
And the only place we can fnd it
is in the fiooded areas.
I've been hearing that from you
for eight years.
You've made me a laughing stock.
They say there's oil
only in your sick mind.
I've been rebuffng attacks on you
for eight years.
Yes, my shoulders are broad,
but I'm not what Iused to be.
And l, instead of prospecting for oil,
have been trying to prove
that two dozen derricks
is nothing for a region
the size of ours.
Our swampland alone
is three times the size of France.
You got all you asked for.
Transportation, derricks.
Not until after you intervened.
And before that,
people dragged those derricks
through the marshes on their backs.
Ican't put up a derrick
without permission from Moscow.
As if from Moscow
they can see if there is oil or not.
Iwanted to speak,
but they didn't give me the fioor.
But I'm not going to give up.
Ipromise to fght to the end.
A pig is no match for a goose.
Well, what?
Why so late?
I've just come from the airport.
With this beauty, you'll now
be in frst place
in capital investment volume.
Won't he? Sure will.
Happy to serve the Soviet Union.
But to be honest,
it wasn't so easy.
Far from everyone
was in favor of this project.
Who was against it?
- As if you can't guess.
- Maybe Ican.
The main thing
is that Siberia's development
is given priority.
But God forbid you fnd oil there.
Idread to think
what it would lead to.
This is Solomin.The government line please.
Yes, as usual.
67 5-7 8.
It will be an important landmark
in the life of the people
in the regions.
This project, the country's largest,
will attract attention by its uniqueness.
The plant's annual rated capacity
is 36 billion kilowatt-hours.
With a normal water level
of 35 meters,
it will reach a capacity of
at least 8 million kilowatts.
And regarding the land being flooded...
Hey, coachman
Don't drive the horses
Ihave no place to rush to anymore
There's no one for me to love anymore
We really miss you on the ship.
- No wine on tap?
- Exactly.
Do you have any earrings?
- How much?
- One hundred.
- It's gold.
- Too expensive.
We'll take them.
Are these for me?
Those look good on you.
Are these really for me?
A present on your name day.
Yeah, right.
Today's a great holiday.
The name day ofTaisia, Thecla.
- Hold on.
- Sorry.
You're too educated.
In our business, education's a must.
Hold on.
The ray of sun gets to me
Through doors shut so tightly
And suddenly my head
begins to spin again
Love can't be understood
Love can't be understood
True love
Cannot be measured
Because at the bottom of the soul
It's like a still deep river
Ah, those green eyes of yours
Those deceitful eyes of yours
On this dark night
Made me go mad
Did you miss me at all?
You were gone for two months.
- I've been working.
Сибириада Сибириада

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- текст На лоне природы на английском
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- текст Стюарт Литтл 2 на английском
- текст Гарфилд: История двух кошечек на английском

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