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do you have?
-About what?
-A conversation at the Brezhnev's flat.
You gotta understand me,
Khrushchev is in great danger.
lf he's disconnected at Pitsunda,
it will be too late.
Don't you understand...
Who let you bug the Brezhnev's flat?
Whom are you working for?
What are you talking about,
Vladimir Efimovich?
Tolya, l know
someone from your people did that.
- How do you knowthat?
- lt doesn't matter.
lf it wasn't you
then which ofyour gangsters
decided to do that?
lt's impossible, comrade General.
l think there's
complete chaos in your department.
lf it was Sorokin?
Whom do you mean?
Don't play games with me.
The one whom Khrushchev called
to ask about lbragimov.
You told Khrushchev
that he had some morbid imagination.
- Did you tell that?
But he disappeared.
What do you mean, disappeared?
By himself?
He didn't come back from holiday
and disappeared without a trace.
-Why didn't you tell me?
-We're looking for him.
Tolya, you'll receive a reprimand
because ofyour personnel.
But now get him wherever he is.
And who can hunt forthat Sorokin?
l have no idea.
lf l find out that you bluff,
l'll cut offyour balls.
Now go!
- Sasha, it's me.
-What do you have?
Adzhubey has some information.
Don't worry,
he won't say a word.
That pig thinks he will be
the Ministerfor Foreign Affairs.
Should l tickle Leonid,
Mashitov and lbragimov?
Too early.
We'll nail them after all.
Nowyou can frighten them.
That means Kuraev has time-off.
You're right. They'll go deeper.
Can l talk to Nikita Sergeevich?
He's not in Moscow.
-Whom am l talking to?
- This is his son.
Hello, Sergey Nikitich.
This is Malkov from lgnatov's guard.
Please, don't hang up.
lt was very hard to get to the phone.
What's the matter?
There's some conspiracy
against Nikita Sergeevich.
Hello, do you hear me?
Comrade Malkov,..
you have
to address to your department.
lt is impossible.
Semichastnyjoined the conspiracytoo.
l want to ask you to meet me.
l got sick a little.
Okay, what is your address, l'll come.
Let's meet outside.
Tell me your car license number.
l'll be standing at Kutuzovskiy Prospect.
At the corner ofthe house 10/12.
Black ''Volga'', 1328.
l'll be there in 30 minutes.
-Are you Malkov?
-Yes, it's me.
Get in.
So where are we going?
Let's go somewhere outside Moscow.
To a forest.
Let's go to a forest then.
Anyway, thank you foryour information.
Tomorrow myfather comes from Ural.
l promise you to tell him everything.
How can l get in touch with you?
This is my phone number.
We talk on the phone about
a place and time ofthe meeting only.
Tell me, why did you decide
to make such a dangerous step?
lf lgnatov finds out
he will neverforgive.
l guess you're right.
Do you believe in decency?
l do.
Besides that l'm tired
of being a servant, a flunkey.
That's it.
lt's nonsense!
lt is impossible!
Because it can't happen.
Tell me again those names.
- lgnatov.
- Podgorny.
- Brezhnev.
Semichastny and Shelepin.
lgnatov can be that man,
he's never happy.
You can always see him.
But Brezhnev and Podgorny
can't do that ever.
l took them out of shit.
They must help me all their life!
Semichastny, Shelepin
are different people.
They look down on them.
They call them Komsomol members.
l wasn't insane
when l appointed them.
There are mice and there are rats.
They are both rodents. Right?
But in spite ofthat
they can't live together.
They can eat each other.
You didn't
tell people about this, did you?
Of course, l didn't.
Good. Don't tell about this anyone.
lt's dangerous, my son.
You can die of an unknown disease.
Just in case,
introduce that man to Mikoyan.
Anastas is very experienced.
He'll figure that out.
Bythe way,
do you knowthejoke about Mikoyan?
lt's raining.
Somebodytells him: ''Take the umbrella.''
And he answers: ''l don't need one,
l'll go between squirts.''
l can't work on that
Серые волки Серые волки

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- текст Иллюзия убийства 2 на английском
- текст Гадкие лебеди на английском
- текст Тариф Новогодний на английском
- текст Друзья - Сезон 1 на английском

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