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Фильмы по алфавиту

Главная / Садко


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is wrathful.
The King of the Sea demands
a human sacrifice.
I led you across seas, brothers,
I'll pay the price.
We shared your luck,
we'll share your misfortune.
Let us cast lots.
The one who loses, will go.
No, brothers!
I'm in the King's debtor.
I guess it's time to pay the debt.
I beg you of a last favour,
Throw a cypress board upon the waves
and hand me my psaltery.
Do not weep, lvashka.
Sadko is not dead yet, so he's alive.
We may yet see each other again.
Remember me to the folk of Novgorod
and to my beloved.
Don't think ill of me!
Fly, my messenger, fly!
Flap your white wings!
Find my beloved!
Tell him Lyubava's heart
has been worn out by grief.
But she's waiting for him,
and will keep on waiting forever.
Gold is more precious
than iron on land.
No, iron is more precious!
- No, it's gold!
- No, it's iron!
How dare you argue with me?!
- I'm the Sea King, after all!
- And I'm the Queen!
My father gave you shelter out of
charity. You must obey me.
- No!
- Yes!
No, I mustn't ! Want me to hit you
with my trident? Then you'll know.
Aha, the rich merchant Sadko
came to visit us.
I've been expecting you for a long
time. Brought your psaltery?
- I have, Your Highness.
- Good, brought your psaltery!
It's not a psaltery, it's a cither!
Shameless woman!
It's not a cither, it's a psaltery.
- A cither!
- A psaltery!
Stop arguing! Or I don't know what
I'll do!
A cither!
Tell her it's a psaltery!
How can I butt in the argument
between man and wife?
Better allow me to play a song for you
and the Queen.
Go ahead, play, it might calm me.
King of the Sea, deep and bright,
For riches and fierceness well known,
Human eye has never beheld such
a sight,
And the psaltery sings of its own.
Dance, skip!
Fill the hearts of the King and
the Queen with glee.
How can you, dear King,
be so bored?
How can you, fierce King,
not make merry a lot?
Don't order Sadko be punished for
a song,
But order your monsters join
in a dancing throng.
Dance, skip!
Fill the hearts of the King and
the Queen with glee!
Play merrier!
Ships are wrecked?!
People drowned?! No more!
What's happened?
- Why have you stopped playing?
- The strings broke.
I must go back to earth for new ones.
Ha, sly fox!
Just arrived
and want to go back already?
First marry
one of my daughters.
See how many I have?
Then I'll let you
go for new strings, if you wish.
Choose the one you like best.
Tell father you will marry me.
But I won't !
Just promise him, that's all.
And I'll help you once more.
I'm taking this one!
Not her!
She's my favourite daughter.
- Take any other one.
- No other.
How dare you speak to me like that!
I'll only give a wink to my vassals
and they'll tear you to pieces.
Ask mother!
The King has refused.
What do you say, noble Queen?
Let him marry her!
And I said he won't marry her!
- He will!
- He won't !
Yes, he will!
Let him marry whoever he wants.
I do not care.
Why did you make me lie to your
father? I cannot marry you.
I know you do not love me,
but I'm in love with you.
My heart is not my own.
I belong on the earth .
Forgive me, please.
Fate willed it so.
May not you order your heart?
No, Princess.
I cannot be angry with you,
though I should.
I must be true that love is stronger
than anything.
What do you wish now?
I want to be free again.
Help me to get to Novgorod,
All right... Follow me.
He took our dear daughter, Vasya.
We've lost our llmen girl.
Make haste, Sadko. There is no faster
sea-horse in the whole sea kingdom.
Thank you, Princess.
Farewell forever. We'll never see
each other again.
- Farewell, Princess.
- Now go, before I change my mind.
Get up, King!
Sadko has escaped!
My shell carriage!
Lyubava! My beloved!
- Sadko!
- My precious one!
My darling.
Where's Sadko?
Sadko's no more.
Why no more?
Here I am!
- Have you found happiness?
- I have!
Where is it?
Садко Садко

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- текст Лисы на английском
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- текст Незнайка на Луне на английском
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