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numbered from the tail.
- Oh, daughter!
- Mama dear!
Oh, my God!
Careful, mama!
- When are the exercises?
- Tomorrow.
I was traveling in style!
Do you wear glasses now?
- So I'll call you?
- All right.
- Is Stanislav at his work?
- Yes.
Too bad you didn't bring Irishka.
I've missed her so much!
Your glasses gave me a fright. Thought
something's wrong with your eyes.
No, I'm all right.
To hell with them, take them off!
Here, Shurka sent you a note.
She had a baby at last! A swell
boy! Could hardly deliver him.
It's about dress patterns. And she
wants a necklace for the New Year.
- Here, have an apple.
- I don't want it, mama.
- What about you, young man?
- Merci.
What's the matter with you?
Oh, what are you doing, mama?
Why did you have to smear it all?
I smeared it all!
The general, we rode together.
Handsome man!
Came to inspect exercises.
And in my compartment was the chief
engineer of a fishing factory!
About my age. I nicknamed him
"a man with a mustache".
He got a mustache like a cube!
It's just a riot!
And what's that, Nina?
Do you smoke?!
- Drop it now!
- Come on, mama!
- Give it to me!
- Stop it, mama!
I know what I'm doing!
Here, you may have it!
Did I give birth to you
for you to smoke that filth?
Will you shut up, please?
- Nina, hurry, the telephone!
- What do you care?
- Maybe it's for me?
- Who can call you?
Perhaps there's someone.
Stop it, you've just arrived.
- Do you have a rag?
- I'll do it later, mom.
I'm listening.
Are you going to play the silent game?
Well, as you wish.
He wouldn't answer?
No, he wouldn't answer.
Nina, I see Stasik
is still into his snags,
making sculptures. Good for him.
- Remember Kolia, the Pioneer leader?
- Yes, I do.
I just finished packing,
was about to go to the station,
and here he comes
carrying all kinds of roots
and knolls
and some weird stumps.
Here, Aunt Marusya, take them
to your son-in-law.
How could I?
With all the stuff I was bringing.
Nina, will Tasik bring
Irishka from the kindergarten?
I must tell you something,
only don't get scared, please.
- What?
- Stasik and I are separated.
- Divorced?
- Not yet, but it's going to happen.
- Oh, Nina!
- Mama, I beg you!
Oh, my God!
Mama, please.
I'm begging you, mama.
I wouldn't have told you
if I knew you'd be bewailing.
How can you, you got a daughter!
I've just informed you, that's all.
I wish I'd never come here!
I'm going away from here.
Nina! Nina!
- What is it, mom?
- They're there with those snags!
And look, up there!
Your man! A real hero!
Oh, mama!
It's for me.
- Why for you?
- I swear.
Playing again?
No brains mean a cripple.
Call when you get tired of it.
May your hands wither away!
Oh, I'm sorry.
Nina's out, I... it's her mother.
Right, Maria Vasilyevna. See how
it turned out! And who are you?
Ghena? From her work?
I'll tell her, I will. All right.
What is it, for God's sake?
Oh, my little fish!
My honey!
I've missed you so much!
You've grown so big!
You know what I brought you?
There's a basket under your pillow...
Grandma, why have you got
such a big nose?
Why big? A regular nose.
I'm big and my nose is big.
It's interesting...
The interesting, grandma,
is around the corner to your left.
How did you like your granddaughter?
She's grown up!
They grow so fast.
- Mom, get away.
- I'll show you 'get away'!
Don't yell, I beg you!
Anyone called me?
Oh, daughter, the veggie caviar worked
out real good, with a soul to it!
- I asked you: Did anyone call?
- I can't hear you for all that music!
Ira, I beg you,
turn that stupid music off!
Stop it now! Go to your room!
I'm sick and tired of all this!
All right!
What's the matter?
My little baby...
Nina, why is she like that?
Like what?
A normal city child.
They're all like that in kindergarten.
They got a load of things to do.
I asked you: Did anyone call me?
- Well, did
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