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don't mean you
l'm waiting for that young man's bottle
He hasn't even opened it and you're
already circling around him
Have you no shame?
You're the one with no shame!
lt wasn't for this that
l fought for my Country
not so you could drink
foreign beer here
Go, go. Come back in half-an-hour
l'll come back, don't worry
Look, mate, let's go sit at the table there,
like decent people
l don't often drink this sort of beer.
l usually get 'Baltika' or 'Bochkarev'
but today's a special day
lmagine - l won ten thousand roubles
Why you looking like that?
What, you won too?
You're kidding? When?
Here l'll show you
lt's OK l believe you. Cool!
Actually, l don't gamble often.
l work at the slot machines. Poker
As far as gambling goes, well,
better not to do it, if you work there. . .
...l've worked there for ages,
five years now
And you know what's interesting?
lt's the goofs who get lucky
The real gamblers don't win.
Hardly ever
But the goofs get lucky
- You know why?
- No
Because the game is a shady business
You get lucky once - you start
thinking: Why? Because. . .
Hello. . .
hello. . .Why don't you say hello?
Can't you see, l'm talking
Get lost, jerk!
What's up?
Why are you looking at me like that?
You've brought shame on us
What did you turn the funeral into?
Like you thought it's a wedding
or birthday party!
What happened? We had a drink,
sat a while, then went home...
You stripped, got on top of the table,
jeered. . .
Maxim wanted to take you away,
and you kicked him
What a scandal!
How could you do that?
People are grieving, and you. . .!
You mimicked the PE teacher too,
and what of it?
That was when he was alive, OK
But why at his funeral?
He did more training than all of you
put together
Just look at his muscles!
Huh, we saw his muscles yesterday
So why did you go on pouring me drinks
if you knew what could happen?
Your type needs to be locked
away in a loony bin
What happened?
Our gym teacher died
He'd shout away, and once
he overdid it, but we're deaf, so. . .
Something flipped in his head - and it
was all over.The funeral was yesterday
l wanted to check, sort of
Can't l, umm, somehow get in there?
Let's talk about that. Why do you
want to get in there?
Ah, umm, l mean..
..just wanted, you know, to swap it
l mean the body, for good
You don't like your body
- How old are you?
- Twenty-four
But you're a young guy
Maybe you can change yourself
Find yourself a girl
Fall in love
Get her interested in you,
not just your body
Take me for instance -
l am completely charmed by you
Alexei, why are you snivelling?
lt's obvious - you're hungry for love
But how can anyone love you,
if you don't love yourself?
Alexei. Learn to love yourself.
Care for yourself
l get it
Excellent. Well, good-bye, then
Nice t-shirt
Ehhh. . .you got like the same
l mean your top is like mine
No, this one's different
Well, let's go, you can show me
where the dumb-bells are,
the trainers and all that. . .
This is a biceps
And this is a triceps
So how long does all this take?
An entire lifetime
Take hold of it
- How is it?
- OK
l've never seen anything like it
What did l show you? Get off it
Are you dumb or something?
Have you come here
to work out, or what?
Where are you climbing?!
What's up?
So, tired out, Arnold?
That guy over there...
l think he's died
Right, take your idiot friend with you
and get lost!
And don't ever come back!
Drove me mad. Those bastards
He's some kind of sick trainer
ls he always like that?
l don't know
l was in such a good mood
Was it your first time too?
l didn't realise at first.
'Cause, l could see you're so muscular
Who? Me?
Aha. How did you pump yourself up
so nicely? All on your own?
Guess so
Look at them
The body should be flexible and supple
But this is awful
Actually, body-building's unnatural
Though dancing is natural
Sorry, not this time. No
Пыль Пыль

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- текст Несколько дней из жизни И.И. Обломова на английском
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- текст Взвод монстров на английском
- текст Шинель на английском
- текст Критическая ситуация на английском

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