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Принцесса на горошине

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swineherd any more.
They chucked you out, but I myseIf
sent those pigs to the deviI.
I began seeing those pigtaiIs
in my dreams.
I can't wait to get rid of
these fiIthy rags.
If you're so anxious,
take them off right now.
You mean here?
Yes. I'II even pay you for them.
What are we going to do today?
Let's pIay forfeits,
Your Highness.
Not saying ''yes'' or ''no''.
Not naming bIack or white.
Let papa pIay this game!
Then Iet's pIay visiting.
Have you forgotten that
I'm the king's daughter?
WouId I ever go to visit you?
Or invite you to visit me?
Think of something eIse!
What do I pay you for?
Come on, invent something!
Who is that pIaying there?
That's our new swineherd.
I can pIay this music
with one finger on the piano.
- Like a swine with its hoof.
- A show-off.
Big deaI.
One of you go and ask him
what he wants for his instrument.
Why does it take her so Iong
to speak to that dirty swineherd?
Your Highness,
his jug is so wonderfuI...
- How much does he ask for it?
- Don't ask me to repeat it...
What a boor!
How dare he?
So that's your highIy-praised jug?
I didn't praise it,
it speaks for itseIf.
It smeIIs of fried pork chops!
The smeII's from the royaI kitchen.
That means you'II have
pork chops for Iunch.
I Iove pork chops!
How'd you find out?
It's the jug that toId me.
You have onIy to ask it
what's being cooked,
and the smeII wiII teII you.
Oh reaIIy?
You couId be Iying though.
WeII, IittIe jug, what wiII we...
You shouId pay for it first
before using it.
What are you asking for it?
Just ten kisses
from the Princess.
- He's compIeteIy crazy!
- The swineherd is crazy!
I won't take any Iess.
You can have ten kisses
from my Iadies in waiting.
Either ten kisses from the Princess
or the jug stays with me.
How boring it is.
You must aII stand around us
so that no one wiII see.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Now we'II be abIe
to poke our nose into everything!
But hoId your tongue!
After aII, I'm the king's daughter!
Now we might ask it
what Lord ChanceIIor
is having for Iunch.
I suppose he's having
ink soup with quiIIs.
I feeI sick from aII those
cooking odours.
And what wiII the shoemaker
have for hors d'oeuvres?
A boot pudding.
I've had enough of that music.
It's giving me a headache.
Nasty IittIe jug.
What's that swineherd invented now?
We must buy that new instrument.
But I refuse to kiss him again.
How much is your instrument?
- A hundred.
- What?
Kisses from the Princess.
I'II give you ten, the rest you'II
get from my Iadies in waiting.
I don't think I'd Iike that.
If I can do it,
then, of course, you can too!
- Don't forget that...
- You are paying us!
You dare to speak before
the king's daughter?
Either the Princess kisses me,
or it's no deaI.
Stand around us!
Two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight!
Nine, ten!
ninety-eight, ninety-nine!
A hundred!
Swinishness! Out!
How unhappy I am!
I couId have married
a handsome prince,
but now I'II have to marry
a fiIthy swineherd.
So you are a prince!
That's different then. Take me
to your kingdom right now!
No, I feeI nothing
but scorn for you.
There's your chosen one.
What do I need her for?
I've become a prince myseIf.
Where are you going? Come back.
Unfortunate Prince.
Come to your senses!
Riding straight into the cIaws
of that witch!
What a pIeasure to see you!
How taII you are!
Excuse my informaIity, but you're
my brother-in-Iaw's nephew.
And as Crown Prince,
you're my reIative.
AII kings are my reIatives.
And there're so many of them.
Come here,
I'II give you gingerbread.
You must be hungry
after yourjourney.
I don't eat it,
my teeth won't Iet me.
- Thank you.
- Let's pIay chess.
It's so magnificent to pIay chess.
The white chessmen are sugar,
the bIack - chocoIate. Eat them.
You can even eat the king.
Or Iet's go and
Принцесса на горошине Принцесса на горошине

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