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Главная / Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
take care that he does not
bring us to the place where the
barrel came from.
I had thought of that.
They have taken to a boat here.
Dear little chap!
- Is there anything you would like?
- A shillin'.
Nothing you would like better?
Two shillin'.
Watson, give him two shillings.
You come back and be washed,
A fine child, Mrs.
He gets a'most
too much for me to manage,
'specially when my man
is away days at a time.
Away, is he? I am sorry for that,
for I wanted to speak to him.
He's been away since yesterday
mornin'. I am beginnin' to feel
frightened about him.
But if it was about a boat, sir,
maybe I could serve as well.
I wanted to hire his steam launch.
It is in the steam launch
that he has gone.
That's what puzzles me.
For I know there ain't more coals in
her than would take her to about
Woolwich and back.
I don't like that wooden-legged
man. What did he want always
knockin' about here for?
A wooden-legged man?
Yes, sir, a brown, monkey-faced
It was him
that roused him up yesternight
and, what's more, my man knew he
was comin', for he had steam up in
the launch.
How could you possibly tell that it
was the wooden-legged man who
came in the night?
You are frightening
yourself about nothing.
His voice, sir. I knew his voice,
which is kind o' thick and foggy.
He tapped at the winder
about three it would be.
My old man woke up Jim,
that's my eldest,
and away they went
without so much as a word to me.
And was this wooden-legged man
I didn't hear no one else.
I am sorry, Mrs. Smith,
for I wanted a steam launch.
What is her name?
Diana, sir.
Ah! She's not that old
green launch with a yellow line,
very broad in the beam?
No, indeed. She's as trim
a little thing as any on the river.
She's been fresh painted,
black with two red streaks.
I am going down the river,
and if I should see anything of your
man I shall let him know that you
are uneasy.
A blue funnel, you say?
No, sir. Black.
Ah, of course.
Good-morning, Mrs. Smith.
- Good morning, gentlemen.
- Good morning, Mrs. Hudson.
I hope you have slept soundly.
Yes, excellent, thank you.
Breakfast will be in 15 minutes.
Watson! Watson!
You look regularly done.
Lie down there on the sofa.
How is your leg?
Will we find that steam launch?
Yes, we will. I wired
to my dirty little lieutenant, Wiggins.
Do you remember his gang,
which helped us to catch Jefferson
- Agra treasure on the steam
- I am sure of it.
And can we take it?
No doubt.
And Miss Morstan
will be the richest heiress in
I will try to get those
diamonds for her.
It's awful.
Watson, you overdid.
If we find it, Miss Morstan
will be lost for me for ever.
A half-pay surgeon
is looking for a rich bride.
Do not be upset, my friend.
Only music can console you.
I can devote all my life
to find that treasure.
End of part one
00:29:06:25 00:29:08:25
Owner Mordecai Smith.
By Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Agra Treasure
Part Two
Sherlock Holmes
Dr. Watson
Mrs. Hudson
Inspector Lestrade
I am the King.
Why should I attempt to conceal it?
Why, indeed?
Your Majesty had not
spoken before I was aware
that I was addressing Wilhelm
Gottsreich Sigismond von Ormstein,
Grand Duke of Cassel Felstein,
and hereditary King of Bohemia.
you can understand that I am not
accustomed to doing such business
in my own person.
Yet the matter was so delicate
that I could not confide it to an
without putting myself in his power.
I have come incognito from Prague
for the purpose of consulting you.
Then, pray consult.
Some five years ago, during
a lengthy visit to Europe,
I made the acquaintance of
the wellknown adventuress, Irene
The name is no doubt familiar to
Kindly look her up in my index,
Your Majesty, as I understand,
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

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