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Главная / Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14   15  
There, on the floor.
Carry my boots down with you,
I am going to do a little climbing.
These footsteps belong to a child.
Apart from their size, though.
Is there nothing else?
They appear to be
much as other footmarks.
Not at all.
Look here!
What is the chief difference?
Your toes are all cramped together.
The other print
has each toe distinctly divided.
That is the point.
Bear that in mind.
Now, would you
kindly step over to that flap-window
and smell the edge of the
What is this smell?
- Tarry smell.
- That's right.
If you can trace him, I should think
that Toby will have no difficulty.
Now run downstairs, loose
the dog, and look out for Blondin.
I will go to the roof.
- That you, Watson?
- Yes.
This is the place.
What is that black thing down there?
- A water-barrel.
- Top on it?
Watson, I'm going down.
No sign of a ladder?
It's a most breakneck place.
Don't fall down.
I was trying to follow him.
It was not easy.
I found this.
Do you know what it is, Watson?
Hellish things.
What do we know?
Two officers who are in command of
a convict-guard learn an important
A map is drawn for them
by an Englishman named Jonathan
Aided by this chart,
the officers get the treasure
and brings it to England, leaving,
we will suppose, some condition.
But this is my theory.
Toby, Toby!
Why did not Jonathan Small
get the treasure himself?
He did not get the treasure
because he was a convict.
But this is mere speculation.
It is more than that.
It is the only hypothesis
which covers the facts.
Major Sholto remains
at peace for some years,
Then he receives a letter from India.
What was in that letter?
A letter to say that the men whom
he had wronged had been set free.
Or had escaped.
That is much more likely,
for he would have known
what their term of imprisonment was.
What does he do then?
He guards himself
against a wooden-legged man,
because he is scared to death of
Mark you, for he mistakes a white
tradesman for him and fires a pistol
at him.
Now, only Hindoos
or Mohammedans names on the
And only one white man's name.
We may say with confidence that
the wooden-legged man is Jonathan
Does the reasoning
strike you as being faulty?
No, it is clear and concise.
Well, now, let us put ourselves
in the place of Jonathan Small.
He comes to England
with the double idea of regaining
what he would consider to be his
Small could not find the treasure,
for no one ever knew save the major
and one faithful servant who had
Suddenly Small learns that
the major is on his deathbed
He makes his way
to the dying man's window,
and is only deterred from entering
by the presence of his two sons.
In a frenzy lest the secret
of the treasure die with him,
he enters the room that night,
searches his private papers
and finally
leaves a memento of his visit.
Do you follow all this?
Very clearly.
What the deuce
is the matter with the dog?
They surely would not
take a cab or go off in a balloon.
Perhaps they stood here for some
It's all right.
He's off again.
Now what could Jonathan Small do?
He could only continue to keep
a secret watch upon the efforts.
Then comes the discovery of the
and he is instantly informed of it.
Some confederate in the household.
Jonathan, with his wooden leg,
is utterly unable to reach
the lofty room of Bartholomew
He takes with him, however,
a rather curious associate,
who gets over this difficulty
but dips his naked foot into
whence come Toby, and
a six-mile limp for a half-pay
But it was the associate and not
Jonathan who committed the crime.
Toby has lost
his character for infallibility.
He found a barrel with creosote.
If you consider how much creosote
is carted about London in one day.
Toby will improve.
We must get
on the main scent again, I suppose.
We must
Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

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