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Главная / Петля Ориона

Петля Ориона

1   2   3   4   5   6   7  
Your suggestion?
- Perhaps we'd better return?
Alexander's words are not
without reason.
I believe it's necessary
to continue our flight.
We shouldn't tempt fate.
The Earth is expecting real help,
and we still don't know anything.
We know something.
And if we take more chances,
we will know nothing.
I'm not going anywhere from here!
Screen 7 has been shifted
2 bycrons off.
Nothing terrible. Its tolerance
is 6 bycrons.
But what's going on?
The radiation penetrates the ship's
plating. I'm feeling it!
- Check block 2 in the equipment room.
- Yes.
Hello. Who are you?
Does it hurt?
Very much.
- And now?
- It's better.
But I feel anxious.
And now?
It's good now.
I'm not what you think I am.
I'm not the product of your
imagination, not a hallucination.
The world is enormous and
you don't know everything about it.
I think I'm sleeping
and seeing an amazing dream.
When I leave,
you'll remember me.
And now listen to me and try
to remember it.
Your planet is in for a misfortune.
We know. That's why we're here.
No. It's not the Orion's Loop
that threatens the humans.
Not the Loop?
What, then?
Tell me!
Mitya, who were you talking to?
Why are you against our going back?
On Earth we'll work on the results
of our findings.
The best scientists will join
in our work. Mitya?
- What is this?
- Nothing. An experiment.
- An experiment?
- I'll tell you about it later.
I dozed off, didn't I?
It's strange.
I'm tired.
We're all tired. I'll go to my cabin.
You're late!
1 7th day of flight.
Midnight onboard.
Astronaut Goris's duty hours.
Some nightmare!
- Mother?
- No. I only look like her.
I've come to tell you the truth. Can
you listen without getting excited?
We've learned about the galactic
virus RZ.
Soon it will reach the Earth. One of
your ships already got in its field.
They were stricken with
a glass disease.
Captain Blosen.
Itjust can't be!
I asked you not to get excited.
The radiation getting into the ship
has a dangerous effect on the psyche.
I made the decision to walk out
and fix the protective screens.
- Need any help?
- Keep order here.
You must not leave the ship. There's
no wall there, and it'll hurt a lot.
The damn wall!
What happened?
I made the decision to walk out
and fix the protective screens.
I can't see him.
He walked far off.
His radio beacon doesn't work either.
That's him! Him.
Do you hear me?
All right. He's on the other side.
- Look! Look!
- Yes. Yes.
We'll pick him up into the shuttle.
Why did his radio beacon begin
to work?
- Phaethon, do you copy?
- Roger. We copy.
Found August. Alive. Coming back.
- They've docked, guys.
- I see.
We're waiting, Captain.
- What do you say now?
- We knew what we were in for.
- It was an unwarranted risk.
- Quiet.
- You should...
- Shut up!
- Hello.
- Our comrade got into trouble.
I know. We barely managed to save him.
Soon it'll be easier for him.
Sure. When we're all in a trap,
it'll be easier
to experiment on us.
What experiments
are you talking about?
- When you enter the Loop's center...
- Right, the mousetrap.
Stop it. She wishes us well.
Then why did so many of our
comrades perish here?
You see?
20th day of flight.
8 p.m.
It's the third day, and not a word.
What's the matter, Masha?
What is it? What?
- August is pretty bad.
- Can you manage?
I'll try to. But it's very dangerous.
Come on, stop it.
Calm yourself, Maria.
Once August set off
for the distant Pluto,
while his mother and I
were working on
the problem of psycho-contact.
She had heart problems,
and once, during
a dangerous experiment, she wanted...
Please don't cry. I remember
what happened then.
Yes, it was terrible.
Do you blame yourself for it?
No, but I had to prevent it.
It was not for nothing that ancient
Greeks had the legend of Phaethon.
Петля Ориона Петля Ориона

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