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feed him.
Number 11 crashed
in our zone of responsibility.
Who prepared the plane?
Experienced mechanics.
I checked the plane myself.
They put inexperienced boys
behind the controls.
Remember last year,
how many planes we lost
that were the pilots' fault?
Why do you keep talking
about metal? A man died.
Nullin, Denis.
Born in 1925.
From the village of Hollow.
Education - seven years.
Completed his flight course
this spring. Young Party Member.
His biography is the least
of my interest.
Judging by the number of his
plane he was closing the ranks.
That means he was considered
to be a good pilot.
So they'll try to find a
technical reason for the crash.
The documentation.
It says the plane
was ready for flight.
You responded quickly.
The commander won't go hunting
today. A plane crashed.
He's got more important
things to do now.
Lieutenant Zip died.
He was a funny, cheerful guy.
He wanted to learn American.
What do you think,
could I become a pilot?
- No.
- Why not? I can speak American.
I'm healthy.
I shoot better than anyone
on the airdrome.
And you babble more than anyone.
And so the last point
on the agenda.
It's been submitted at
Commander Yurchenko's insistence.
What's to be done with the pig?
Foma Ilyitch, Tarasik is a hog.
He's not a pig.
You should have specifically
ordered what was to be brought.
They brought a piglet. Now we
don't know what to do with him.
We need to give him
to the Americans.
Let them feed and raise him.
Let them do whatever they want
Well, Sergei Mikhailovitch?
What do you think about
Tarasik's destiny?
Why make it a problem?
It's already too late.
I'm putting to a vote.
The question of presenting the
allies with a friendly token
a piglet, Tarasik the Hog.
In favor?
Timur Fyodorovitch,
don't be upset.
Your piglet will have a better
life with the Americans.
Did they decide?
They're giving him away.
I now call this
Party Meeting adjourned.
Should I write "pig" or "hog"
Tarasik? Tactfully is better.
For example, "It was decided at
the Airdrome Party Meeting,
to present the allies with the
gift of Tarasik from mainland."
The word "pig" or "hog"
in Party Meeting minutes
doesn't look very respectable.
write it tactfully.
The Americans won't come today.
The weather's bad
over the straight.
They brought gold. They say they
give twenty kilos for each plane.
I think they're lying.
What do you think, Semyon?
What do you need it for?
A lot of the devices
are labeled in American.
That's why I need
to learn the language.
I'm not strong with technical
terms, so I doubt I can help.
I'm also ready to study conversation.
Help me, please. Just a few lessons
so I can understand them.
I'm afraid a few lessons
won't help.
What's your name, Lieutenant?
Turovsky, Konstantin Pavlovitch.
And you're, Irina Vladimirovna?
Come this evening.
I'll try to help you.
Konstantin Pavlovitch.
Just Kostya.
Can we start our lesson right
now? It's a shame to lose time.
Why do they call you Ace?
Is it connected
to your family name?
No, we all got special nicknames.
In an air battle you must talk
to each other succinctly.
The Japanese lose battles
over their complex language.
Their phrases are too long.
I'm not strong in Japanese,
but what I've heard
didn't seem very long.
Well, shall we start studying?
I understand. Please, smoke.
What should we start with?
How do you say in American,
"You have very beautiful...
Lard, I see you've
totally lost your appetite.
Valya, may I have thirds?
I know why Second Lieutenant
Shmatko has no appetite.
The allies haven't arrived.
The American that Lard's
got his eye on is absent.
And so our second lieutenant
is suffering.
Quiet, you can finish my helping.
Your generosity has no bounds.
I think soon I'll be
the only one who eats.
You wish. No one will spoil my
appetite. May I have more soup?
What is it?
An old recipe
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- текст Шинель на английском
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- текст История Пиксар на английском
- текст Миссис Минивер на английском

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