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What grenades?
I'm taking about trading bullets
in the village.
Not long ago you told me about
a Chukcha with a grenade.
It's a stupid thing.
A Chukcha will never take
a grenade on a hunt.
I don't get it, what grenades?
You've got the memory of an
old reindeer. Come on, turn it.
Turn it.
- Don't.
- Stop, hen.
He's up to no good again.
Did he beat you? Are you alright?
Yes, thank you. Valya, please
take the pots off the stove.
I'm asking, did he beat you?
He's a sick man.
He can't control himself.
I've met his type.
Unfortunately, quite often.
He tied up Roman Denisovitch
and began to interrogate him.
He said, "Admit it,
you're a Japanese agent."
He wanted to know
who wants to poison him.
Want to kill me?
I see right through you.
I'll make you roll in shit.
And in bloody snot.
You will crawl to my feet,
and beg me for a quick death.
Is that clear?
We had a good talk.
Give me a blanket. I'm cold.
When are the allies coming?
If there's flying weather
it'll be soon.
Get in.
I'll bring more later.
Take some for your sister.
It's a useless thing.
What do I need it for?
Take it.
And what do I need it for?
To hunt lemmings?
I'll bring more later.
My boss gave them to me.
Tomorrow I'll go to the sea.
Times are lean.
Heard the new joke?
A Chukcha finds
a bar of gold and hides it.
The police find out and arrest him.
They question him
through a translator.
They say if he won't tell were
he hid it they'll shoot him.
The Chukcha gets scared and says
where he hid it right away.
The translator says, "Shoot him.
He won't tell you anything."
The hunt's bad right now.
We can't get enough men
together to hunt sea animals.
Did you get me sunglasses?
Our transport's been held up.
The weather's nasty along the way.
They're stuck for two days.
Just as well.
Now the planes can be properly
prepared for transit.
Without our normal rush.
The commander is quiet today.
The ally's Douglas is on its way.
It'll be here in forty minutes.
Very well.
Irina Vladimirovna.
I'm off to meet the allies.
- How do you feel?
- Fine, thank you.
Did you notice how Muse has
started walking
like his master?
When will our pilots arrive?
In two days.
There's bad weather.
It's fine. Turn it off.
You have to press to take off?
Yeah, you press that.
The main thing is not
taking off, but landing alive.
Let's go to the next one.
Don't worry.
You made a wonderful dinner.
They are eating with no enthusiasm.
They're spoiled bourgeois.
I want to drink
to the Second Front.
We've been spilling our
blood for two years.
And you just send us planes.
You watch while we Soviets die
in the struggle with the fascists.
Translate exactly what I say.
Better yet, don't.
No you maybe you can translate
all of my words exactly.
Where is the Second Front?
I'm asking you.
Of course we can defeat
the enemy ourselves.
Without your weapons. Why?
Because we are who we are.
No one can bring us to our knees.
Is that clear you allied hens?
Stop it, Commander.
Don't disgrace yourself.
I'm a disgrace?
I want to know the truth.
It's you casting pearls before them,
and I only want to hear
one thing from them.
When will there be a Second Front?
Don't worry, Foma Ilyitch.
You'll get your Second Front.
Silence! Are you having fun?
I'm not the one who needs it.
The Soviet people need it.
The people covered with blood
fighting the fascists.
You're used to others pulling
your coals out of the fire...
Come on, one more time.
In front of witnesses.
Why are you standing there?
Bring me my cane.
- Pretty.
- Skinny with long legs.
One like that won't
give you a healthy son.
Why do I need them for children?
What do you mean "Why"?
Figure it out yourself.
You've started hanging
around the allies a lot.
You asked me to listen
to what they're saying.
So, what are they saying?
They say that they will help
our army beat the fascists.
Перегон Перегон

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- текст Ночь и день на английском
- текст Судья Дредд на английском
- текст Жил певчий дрозд на английском
- текст Автора! Автора! на английском
- текст Танец льва на английском

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